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UK Election Thread

Preregistration. It just happened that the polling day sat on my birthday that year. One day earlier and I wouldn't of been able to vote.

Good for you. Most 18 yearolds couldn't care less about voting. I've always considered it more than a right, but an obligation. I've now voted more times than I can count.
Thank you Paul. :) It is important to have your say whether you think it is worth it or not. I believe it should be compulsory to vote. Many young people I spoke to, but not just young I should add, didn't like the decision on Brexit, but when I asked them what they voted for they replied that they didn't bother. :thinking: Well IMO their say so doesn't matter now as they wasted their opportunity to make their vote matter. So for that reason, I always vote regardless if their is a clear option for myself.
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I thought I'd drop this here. :p

Tory 'strong and stable' advertising van overturns in the wind | The Independent

You can't make this stuff up. The irony.
Blown over by Storm Brexit? :D

Seen that one earlier. :crackup:

Did you see this one?


Oh ... and the latest from May: https://www.theguardian.com/politic...man-rights-laws-impede-new-terror-legislation

“And I mean doing more to restrict the freedom and the movements of terrorist suspects when we have enough evidence to know they present a threat, but not enough evidence to prosecute them in full in court.
“And if human rights laws stop us from doing it, we will change those laws so we can do it.”

Emphasis mine. Nothing to see here folks. Who needs human rights anyway? :mad::mad:
:crackup: No I had not seen that one. Now that's funny. :D

The last point though, is not so funny unfortunately. :(
These two stories are hilarious. The fact that conservatives believe human rights are a switch that can be turned off and on as their whims dictate is disturbing, to say the least.
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:crackup: No I had not seen that one. Now that's funny. :D

The last point though, is not so funny unfortunately. :(

That isn't photoshop or anything either, someone really put up a 100ft cutout of May giving the vicky to the EU on the cliffs of Dover.

But yes, that last one is frankly quite terrifying. Of course, we'll see plenty of people cheering about it, not understanding the implications.
Just finished reading an article about May's assertion to remove human rights laws that protect "terrorist suspects that we don't have the evidence to try in court, so we can deport, curtail their activities, confiscate their cell phones and computers, monitor using electronic surveillance, curfew to 10 hours a day" and more. This sounds a lot like she is trying to sidestep the problems that happened under her watch, and also try to brush aside accusations that she is trying to police the UK on the "cheap" by cuts to the police forces. The article said the election is still tight. Is she actually going to win reelection?
That 100ft cutout is brilliant! :D

As for the human rights, your last point is so accurate.

Paul, I don't know what she is trying to do. I don't like the tories or labour right now. This is going to be a terrible election with the tories winning anyway.
I feel like just voting Green Party. :p
IDK, Curtis. Might be better to pick the lesser of two evils. Otherwise you might end up with what we got. :(
I think we are already there. :(
Rough times ahead for the UK and US.
If I choose Labour then I can expect relations to go down between ourselves which I don't want. Also Corbyn is not that serious about terrorism as he makes out. But if I vote Conservatives then I can expect a Thatcher ft Hitler approach.
We vote tomorrow and I can honestly say I have no idea anymore.
You're all missing the point about the human rights thing. I believe in liberty but the fact remains at the moment a lot of these "extremists" have been known to authorities but somehow there hasn't been the legislation to do something about them. One of them even tried to fly to Syria "because he wanted to be a terrorist" and yet still he resided here. Yes, if they are known to authorities and are on the list then I think we should have the ability to deport them. It certainly doesn't inflict on my human rights as, funnily enough, I'm not a terrorist.

So for those of you undoubtedly reading left wing news articles stating that she wants to turn the Uk into North Korea and that she is going to personally come and piss in everyone's corn flakes please look at the bigger picture and get a sense of perspective. The lefties in this country still won't admit we have a fundamental issue with religious extremism and the fact is our laws just harbour that behaviour and need to be changed.
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You're all missing the point about the human rights thing. I believe in liberty but the fact remains at the moment a lot of these "extremists" have been known to authorities but somehow there hasn't been the legislation to do something about them. One of them even tried to fly to Syria "because he wanted to be a terrorist" and yet still he resided here. Yes, if they are known to authorities and are on the list then I think we should have the ability to deport them. It certainly doesn't inflict on my human rights as, funnily enough, I'm not a terrorist.

So for those of you undoubtedly reading left wing news articles stating that she wants to turn the Uk into North Korea and that she is going to personally come and piss in everyone's corn flakes please look at the bigger picture and get a sense of perspective. The lefties in this country still won't admit we have a fundamental issue with religious extremism and the fact is our laws just harbour that behaviour and need to be changed.

Where are you going to deport these suspects to? So far many of them, if not most of them, have been British citizens. What do you do with those radicals? Imprison them without trial for a crime? Create a new law that makes whatever their doing a crime, even if it's just expressing radical ideas?

I don't think any of us are missing the "point", we're just looking at the bigger picture. Who draws the line? When will enough rights have been removed? What's stopping the Government from abusing those powers? Do you trust them not to? It won't impinge on your human rights... Well, maybe anyway. But for how long will that be the case? How many times in history has some perceived threat been used to curtail the rights and freedoms of the innocent public?

Theresa May - June 4 2017
It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam.
Theresa May - June 6 2017
And if human rights laws stop us from doing it, we will change those laws so we can do it.

Well I guess we won't have a problem with Islam not being compatible with our human rights if we don't have any human rights left.

I think you need to look at the big picture. We already are.

Edit: Oooh look, some good news! Hopefully a permanent change. https://twitter.com/bbclaurak/status/872360580895649793
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Whether or not you're a U.K. citizen if you show intention to cause our country and it's people harm you don't belong here. And that includes the latest one who openly stated on his travels "I want to be a terrorist" when attempting to fly to Syria. The fact that he then manages to come back home and do what he did shows what is wrong with the system.

Yeah I know you all probably think I'm a horrible person etc etc whatever. Fact is I'm just saddened by and sick of the things that have gone on in the last 2 years. Paris, London, Ankara, Manchester, pulse nightclub - just the ones I can remember off top of my head. The elephant in the room here that no one wants to address is it always boils down to religious hate and extremism. Sorry but the leftie view of "lets all just have a hug and get on" isn't working, these people have a belief down to the very core that western values are to be eradicated at all costs and no death toll is high enough. Am I so wrong for wanting to adopt a more hard line view to have it stopped? I know government function creep is a problem but lines have to be drawn somewhere. I live 6 miles from Manchester.
Whether or not you're a U.K. citizen if you show intention to cause our country and it's people harm you don't belong here. And that includes the latest one who openly stated on his travels "I want to be a terrorist" when attempting to fly to Syria. The fact that he then manages to come back home and do what he did shows what is wrong with the system.

So again... what do you propose for these British citizens? Where are you going to put them? Just ship them off to another country, one that they don't belong in?

Yeah I know you all probably think I'm a horrible person etc etc whatever. Fact is I'm just saddened by and sick of the things that have gone on in the last 2 years. Paris, London, Ankara, Manchester, pulse nightclub - just the ones I can remember off top of my head. The elephant in the room here that no one wants to address is it always boils down to religious hate and extremism. Sorry but the leftie view of "lets all just have a hug and get on" isn't working, these people have a belief down to the very core that western values are to be eradicated at all costs and no death toll is high enough. Am I so wrong for wanting to adopt a more hard line view to have it stopped? I know government function creep is a problem but lines have to be drawn somewhere. I live 6 miles from Manchester.

I don't think you're horrible, but I'm amazed and worried at how many people I'm seeing that are so willing top support the removal of their human rights and freedoms because of a few terrorists.

Most left wing people (except the ones who are certifiably mental) know that "lets all hug and get along" won't work, we can see the issues. But we're not willing to sacrifice our own rights and freedoms to solve the issues. We'd rather find an alternate solution. Nothing wrong with wanting a more hardline approach and drawing a line, but that line gets drawn before our human rights and freedoms are removed.

How long before we start locking people up without trial just because of their beliefs? How long before we start locking people up without trial because of who they happen to know or are related to? How long before we start locking people up without trial because they disagree with the Government?

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
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