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FrozenGate by Avery

True IIIa ~515nm Pointer???

Dec 24, 2007
Does such a thing exist?

If any of you actually remember me from years and years ago when this forum was young, you'd know that I am one of the few weirdos who actually likes my lasers to (for the most part) all be eye-safe. I REALLY like this new 515nm wavelength that is going around, but unfortunately it seems as though there are no low powered examples for people like me who just want to see a colored spot on the wall.

If there are any out there, could someone kindly point me in that direction?

If there are NOT any, how feasible would it be to build one? I'm entirely willing to use a Jayrob type setup in a leadlight host to make one, preferrably powered by AAAs, but I'm not sure if there is a diode that would lase at currents low enough to give the desired output. I'd hate to spend $30 on a diode and have it not light for me bacause my intended current is below the lasing threshold.

Please help a brother out! A hell of a lot has changed in five years!

I believe laserbtb used to sell some 515nm pointers, unfortunately after checking their website they only offer 532nm and 520nm in the green spectrum.

I'd take 520 as well. I can't imagine there'd be that much of a difference in color.

When I checked though, all I saw was the multi-function ones that had a 50ish mW setting in sequence with the 5mW and off setting. I'm not sure if that's what I'm after, and I can't find a good review of one.
I built one from the group buy. Osram Pl515 with a super-miniar driver from the lightning stalker. Ehgemus host. I have a picture of the dot on the wall but the picture is very decieving so I won't post it. It will give you the wrong impression. The best way I can describe the color is the old non led traffic lights; the green of that is exactly the same visually as 515nm. I'll have to double check what mA mine is being ran at.
I'd take 520 as well. I can't imagine there'd be that much of a difference in color.

When I checked though, all I saw was the multi-function ones that had a 50ish mW setting in sequence with the 5mW and off setting. I'm not sure if that's what I'm after, and I can't find a good review of one.

Check out the available diodes page of what DTR sells --same web site as RedCowboy has pointed you to for 515nm 100mW---will give you an idea of what generally available diode lasers can do these days : https://sites.google.com/site/dtrlpf/home/diodes
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I plan on making a 5mW representative wavelength set of pen lasers using the typical ebay pens as hosts. So far I only have 445nm, 632nm and 680nm that I build all using an AMS1117 ADJ SOT-223 driver and two 10440's batteries. Sometime eventually I'll get around to building a 515nm one using this diode New OSRAM 515nm 520nm 30mW Green Laser Diode LD PL515 TO38 3 8mm | eBay. (Assuming that the two Li-Ion batteries have enough voltage for the diode, since 7+ volts is pushing it.)
And just an idea that I used with my 445nm pen laser build is if you can't run the diode as low as 5mW you could use a plastic polarizing filter to attenuate the power to 5mW.
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I'm sure you could buy a 515 single mode and turn it down to get similar effect, but if you want a true DPSS 515/523, I dont think anyone makes one, and if they did it'd probably cost a fortune, probably similar to 561. they're considered vastly superior to diodes still to my knowledge and still command outrageous prices.
Just get the lower mW 515nm diode and power it just above threshold. I think that came out to about 10mW. Check the 515nm group buy thread. Pman did a great job of posting his findings
Oooooohhhhh I really like the modules that DTR is offering! Those seem to be right up my alley!

Am I getting the wrong impression, or would those modules be fairly straight forward to retrofit into the Leadlight tubes and switch available here? Creative Technology Lasers - Pointer Host Component Page

That would be the ideal route for me: an OEM look in an unusual wavelength.

THanks for all the help guys! Y'all have been wonderful!
Maybe but the simplest host to fit them in is a survival lasers c6/s4 or a budget beams 501b bud.
"Probably" the easiest method to get what you are chasing is to grab the Nichia diode and driver copper module bundle of DTR, and ask Jordan to set the current to get whatever output power you are looking for.
Then the module arrives as a copper module with the aluminium back, the driver enclosed within the aluminium back-shell of the module, and that just needs press fitting into a pen host

I emphasise "probably" because getting the module is the easy bit. Getting a suitable host might be much more difficult.

I wish you good luck dealing with Creative Technology Lasers. I have tried really hard to buy off them and communication just simply stops. Other LPF members have reported the identical phenomenon of 'radio silence' for their orders.

I trust Creative Technology are genuine people, and have their own lives and life issues to tend to, and all that stuff, but I just want to give them my money and for them to mail out an order. But I seem utterly unable to do that. :cryyy:

If you can't get results from Creative Technology (those pen hosts look nice I really wanted to get a dozen of those) and if it meets the standards of what you are chasing, than just cannibalize one of those cheap ebay pens, those models with the thin alloy walls and rubber coating.

The most difficult setup there would be the momentary press switch. You should be able to utilize the PCB and SMD switch that would be come with the ebay pen. A bit of cutting of the PCB and desoldering the pens existing driver components, leaving the SMD momentary switch intact and also leaving the battery spring intact, you could then use that existing SMD momentary switch to pass power to the new driver included with DTR's module. Just wedge (glue?) an inert spacer below PCB in between the board and the pen wall so the board doesn't move when the switch is operated.

If you do end up developing a nice pen host solution for 515nm, please post your results. I am one of many here that really REALLY appreciate the pen style form factor and I am very keen to see what you end up going with.
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