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FrozenGate by Avery

Triple HID flashlight build (In progress)

Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

I would suggest you use 3 of them and a buck converter.

thats the problem...many DX and similiar chinese buck drivers have been know to fail or have horrible heat issues. I really was hoping there was another place to look for good drivers that wont overheat in 10 minutes... is there even any drivers capable of 9 AMP? the DX ones only go up to 7500mA.

Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Sector_Cleared(sp) on CPF was designing a 10A driver at one point I think. Der witchel(sp) also had some SST-90 drivers I believe, so I'd look around the CPF B/S/T, the custom section at least.
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Ive made a couple of buck and boost converters before, mostly boost however as I needed to deal with a higher voltage and lower current requirements.

Even with a good design, you still need to deal with conduction and switching losses.. and sadly, that means heatsinking. so Do expect a large well sinked driver if you want to push current out of it, however be glad that buck/boost topologies do not generate as much heat as the linear option. (turned to either current or voltage rather then wasted as heat)

I did design a driver for my 100W LED module, and it works fairly well. Here is the schematic of it:


Works fairly nicly for those kind of situations, the driver also has a low voltage cut-off, however it needs to be tuned to be appropriate for the battery (I just usually set the referance to cut off at 11.5V or so, just to keep my lead acids happy, I used an Op-amp set up as comparator, so a regular comparator like the LM311 series will work). Needs a bit of play to work properly, but does do nicly.

Im still working on a synchronous buck-only converter to be able to very high current for my other projects, however it is still in the design stages. When I get it working and tuned out, I suppose Ill post a build thread/schematic of it.

It would be nice if there was some IC to do the feedback and clock for you, but have the IC stand alone and seperate for the switching system, so you are not cripled by the weak internal switch.
Most of texas instruments ICs are like this, and thus can only be used 1V-6V or so at maybe 4A maximum... not that usefull for myself. You can try experimenting with some PWM drivers like the TL494, and some of the UC series from TI.. but I personally haven't done much with those ICs related to buck/boost applications.

TBH, I don't raelly feel like messing with buck/boost drivers, I really like either a buck-only or boost-only system. Just adds to the simplicity of design IMO.

More or less what im trying to say, try to go DIY if you can't find a suitable pre-made driver.
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Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Sector_Cleared(sp) on CPF was designing a 10A driver at one point I think. Der witchel(sp) also had some SST-90 drivers I believe, so I'd look around the CPF B/S/T, the custom section at least.

i will search CPF but the only problem i have with that forum is that most of the stuff there is soo old. a lot of links dont work and many of the companies/websites, they talk about arent around anymore...

I could try to mess with making my own drivers, but my etches have been crappy, since i used illustrator to make them...is there a program that will let you print out circuit traces that you design?
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Yes, I use ExpressPCB.

The program is free, and will also come with ExpressSCH, thats where I drew the schematic in the above post.

I usually print my PCBs out and do a heat toner transfer to copper clad, then into a bath of ferric chloride.

If the trace adhesion is done right, the results are good even for SMDs.

I usually use DIP packages of the ICs and thru-hole parts on a breadboard first a a prototype before bothering to actually etch out a PCB though.
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Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Holly Crap Dude. That is Awesome.

Thats all i got to say.


Oh and After i pick my jaw up, Nice Lathe Skills. What Size Lathe is that you own.
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Its a combination machine (mill and lathe built into one)

The lathe has a 16" swing and a 24" bed. (unusually large swing for the size of the bed IMO)
The mill has a 4 1/2" spindle travel, cross slide travel is 8".

Fun little machine, I like it alot better then the old one. However I would really love to own a Maximat/emcomat combo machine.. unlike mine, thier mill can be moved all across the bed, and mine is just bolted into a fixed position on top of the head. (but can be moved in a circular motion, as you see it moved to the side, when I mill I just move it back to be center)

I just finished cleaning the thing yesterday after the mess of shavings I created.
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Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Deep cycle marine in a handheld?! You better hit the gym haha
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

I might seriously have to consider a backpack or something if I go with the marine approach (doubt I will)... other wise I better look like Schwarzenegger and fast.

I am still thinking however about the SLAs.. the pack should be around 30lb.
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Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

how bout a removable pack of high energy cells?
Do you know what your light source is going to be yet?
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

What about the battery packs that the Streamlight Stinger uses. Their rechargeable and give out some nice output. I dont know their properties (discharge rate, capacity, etc.) but a few of those would be a little lighter than the marine batt. :)
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Sorry for lack of responce, This thing is slowly inching along, but I am working on a ton of other stuff, so might take a while.

@Bshan: The decision is a triple HID build (5000K-6000K)

@Ra1n: I am using 4 SLAs to power this: (2 series, 2 parralel stack)

(the 4th one went missing somewhere... im still trying to find the damn thing).
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Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Sheer awesomeness... It looks like a Flashlight a Terminator would carry :D
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

The terminator is a machine. So he will have an easy time lifting it at least :p
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Yeah a termie would have no problem lifting it. Although it would be mounted on his minigun to spotlight the humans ;)
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)


Probable battery layout in the light: (4th battery..... where are you????? )
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