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FrozenGate by Avery


Aug 19, 2011
What an awesome name for a flashlight, no? :P

I've had it for a while. Finally got the parts necessary to get it going again. (damn batteries)

It has about 30 minutes left of charging. I'll post a picture of its 10,000,000 candles of glory when it goes. :D


Also, making an appearance is my cat. Who I've just now given the nickname 'OhgodI'mgoingtodie'


(No photo editing work, just the flash glaring in a strange way..)

Wow, cant wait to see some beamshots :D

Does that use a HID bulb??
looks huge, cant wait for some pics. how much does it weigh ? like 10 kilos ?
Okay! Got some pictures! When I shine it up into the air it actually makes a beam like a searchlight.. but unfortunately my camera refuses to see it, so maybe tomorrow I'll get my dad's camera and attempt to take the picture. It really is awesome!

Anyway. So here is the room with nothing.


Then low power:


Then full power:


And here is a picture of the bulb.

Looks similiar to a HID bulb :) 80% chance its either a HID or xenon

How much did that thing cost you?
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My crazy electrician uncle gave it to me as a birthday gift. Its actually pretty old I think. I love it to bits though. Especially since you can use it as a portable sun to burn things with a magnifying glass when its overcast.. ;)
Haha :)

Im guessing that thing is over 2000 lumens which is pretty awesome! Especially when you can get so much throw out of it.
I'm pretty sure I see a filament there. Looks like you lost even at "80% chance"... so don't plan a vegas trip any time soon :D

They generally use about 55W, but maybe more like 40W if you're running from a small SLA. According to this thread on CPF, they have 1000-1500lm.
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Those Thors can throw pretty well I assume and use a Philips 130 H4 watt halogen bulb?

Please post some outside pictures! :D
I looked it up, its a Halogen 55w H4 bulb. And I also just found out that I can get HID kits that fit this thing... >D Can anyone say 4500lumens? I can.

anyway, when it gets dark later I'll post a night shot. It might be raining, which will be awesome!
