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FrozenGate by Avery

Thor H2 review

Jan 28, 2018

DO NOT buy a Thor H2. Mine worked properly for two days before I stared to have problems. Specifically, host issues. The host/end-cap threads had worn out after playing with laser for only 2 days. Asked a friend for help,he said to try making a makeshift end cap out of tinfoil. I tried this and it worked and I enjoyed my laser for another two weeks. Then a different friend was messing with the laser ( under supervision of course.) The end of the host body and the tinfoil arced causing a minor but very painful cut. Cut to two months later when I got my courage back up, I tried to get it working with tinfoil again and burned a welt on my middle finger from a arc heating up the tinfoil.Awesome diode, I may try and remove it from the host. I'm done with this thing.

Overall review 1/5

Verdict: All fun and games but the pain. Nice diode tho...:mad::mad::mad:

Assuming you bought it from LPS? Did you contact them to see if they could resolve the issue first? :thinking:

I've had mine for nearly a year with zero issues.
I have the same one diachi has and it is still functioning fine too. I would have contacted them immediately after the first problem.
They didn't say anything about a warranty on the site,and they never sent a manual. I will write them an email.
That's a shame, hope you get it fixed soon. If you will plan to buy another one save some money and get one from a reliable brand.
Buying cheap Chinese lasers is like rolling dice, you never know how long they will last, as I learned from my own and other people's experiences.
Hey guys. Have a question for h2 owners (Diachi, Paul?). I'm looking to get a 3w 445nm, and on fleabay I notice there's a company called Zeus lasers selling what appears to be an identical unit to the thor. If you look on there for "3w burning blue laser", you'll see it. The company is based in, and dispatches from Greece. Is it the same? Seems to have very good feedback so I wouldn't mind trying it.
Could you have a look and see what you think? I know you can't really give any concrete advice without having one in hand, but just some initial thoughts would be handy? (add: I wonder who copied who!?)

Edit: OK apparently I can put links in simply by pasting, I was looking for a hyperlink button! ;)
Here's the link;
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They are all pretty much the same mass produced units with the same basic blue prints.
Like any cheap lasers they have the "potential" to last if not played with or taken apart much.
Are you located in the UK and is that for your link reason as far as shipping?
Have you checked with Laserpointer store which advertises above about shipping? He was the source of Paul and Diachi's units I believe.
I did have a look yes,and yes I'm in uk. My main attraction to the zeus brand/seller, is that they assure no customs issues, whereas the majority of others can't promise it.
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Ok its a bit pricey but if its assured to be resent if caught at customs then it might worth it.
Big issue can be shipping with batterys included. It's a no no to ship them in the US.
The Thor laser I got is still running strong. I do pull it out at least a couple of times each month just to use as a comparison to other blue wavelengths. As long as you keep dust and debris off the optics, you should have a trouble free laser for years to come. Yikes! $180 sounds like a whole lot of money for one of these. Can't really tell you anything about the Zeus, though.
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Yeah, I don't buy ready made lasers, so it does sound like a lot to me. The diode is likely an NDB7875 which is no longer being made, but still can be found some places cheaply. I have one in my stock that I paid $35.00 for. The 2.4 SXD driver can be had for ~$30.00 and copper modules I have plenty of and bought my last ones at a significant discount. Since I build almost all of my lasers it does sound like a lot to me, but in the world of ready made Chinese lasers it may not be that bad. My 3 watt 445nm laser is in an MS-SSW-II host with the aforementioned parts and has been running for about 4 years now.
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