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FrozenGate by Avery

Thor H2 review

@ cyberdoc. I believe you meant to say you measure the power on your LPS Thor H at 1.4 W and 2.6 W. You have to watch the use of mW as that means 1/1000th of a watt. In this case your laser would measure 1400 mW and 2600 mW. I have the 1.6 watt version. I'm sure you are happy with your purchase. :thanks:

Also, the link that RedCowboy gave shows the red laser goggles are blue in color. That is usually the case, but some of the blue goggles only protect at levels of OD2 or even OD1 which is less than you might expect.

@ spark001uk You have some nice lasers with good divergence specs. But, at some point you need to figure out if you are getting any reflections back to your eyes. If not, you should have a look at the spot and the beam without the goggles at some point. You are missing out on some really nice beams and beam profiles.
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@ cyberdoc. I believe you meant to say you measure the power on your LPS Thor H at 1.4 W and 2.6 W. You have to watch the use of mW as that means 1/1000th of a watt. In this case your laser would measure 1400 mW and 2600 mW. I have the 1.6 watt version. I'm sure you are happy with your purchase.

Whoops!! Thanks Paul for spotting my typo, which I corrected. I quickly pasted a few sentences that used mW and forgot to change them to W. Thanks for keeping me honest, Buddy. Please Take Care.

-cd. :D
@ spark001uk You have some nice lasers with good divergence specs. But, at some point you need to figure out if you are getting any reflections back to your eyes. If not, you should have a look at the spot and the beam without the goggles at some point. You are missing out on some really nice beams and beam profiles.
I have used these without glasses and they do have nice beams, especially the 50mW green. If/when I do get a 3W blue, I would love to look at the beam and watch it burn stuff close up but glasses will be a must at that power!
If you are burning something don't get too close as the smoke will adhere to your optics and it is much harder to get off than to get it on there. I am always about four or more feet away. If there is nothing reflective in the path, I do it without goggles as you can't see the beam with goggles on. But, that is a call made after making sure no part of the collimated beam can get reflected.
I know the 3W is awesome at burning when refocused to short range, but what is the burning power like without refocusing? I'm hearing that although there's a nice beam that goes on for miles, it's greatly reduced in concentrated power. Will it literally burn nothing at that setting?
I use a short focal length aspheric lens adjusted to infinity focus with all my lasers and they seems to burn just fine set there. It is unnecessary to readjust the focus when burning at 3 to 4 feet. I wouldn't burn any closer as the smoke will coat your optics.
Asked a friend for help,he said to try making a makeshift end cap out of tinfoil. I tried this and it worked and I enjoyed my laser for another two weeks. Then a different friend was messing with the laser ( under supervision of course.) The end of the host body and the tinfoil arced causing a minor but very painful cut.

At which point did fixing the unit it tinfoil become a good idea?

If it fails in 2 weeks with normal use i'd probably contact the seller before trying anything like that.

It's perfectly possible that there was some manufacturing defect in your unit that caused problems with electrical continuity, but tinfoil rarely is the solution.

I remember the old joke of just putting tinfoil around a mains fuse to see what the actual failure point was (the thing that set ablaze when doing so). That sounds a bit more idiotic, but i'm afraid people still actually do this :D
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Actually, back when houses had fuses instead of breaker boxes, people would use a penny to replace a fuse. It is a great way to set your house on fire. I have seen aluminum foil wrapped around small glass fuses in electronic equipment which would cause a lot more damage than the shorted rectifier would.
I remember big bakelite fuses on the consumer unit, underneath each were 2 screws to which you fastened a length of fuse wire, shops sold it on a piece of card with the various wire sizes wrapped round it. Showing my age now!
OK so I'm creeping ever closer to a purchase now, my credit card is starting to burn my leg! So - back to price on this Zeus (Thor H2, etc etc). When you said $180 seems a lot, I forgot to point out that is the price with the aluminium carry case, 2 x 26650, charger, and goggles. If you add all that to the order on laserpointerstore it actually comes to $167, so not far off really.
Yes it's on par at that price.
You really should check about getting the batterys in the same package though as far as customs. I know Paul mentioned he received them with his but it is an issue and some China sellers don't recommend it and give a battery delete option. The charger itself is fine.
I understand it's coming from Greece but still check into it as the whole unit will be stopped.
As far as I can find out, EU mail in the UK can contain lithium batteries when sent WITH their intended equipment, safely packaged, and are limited to the quantity required by the equipment plus a set of spares, and a maximum capacity of 20Wh per battery (26650 4200mAh are 15.5Wh each), so it should be OK.

EDIT: Just reading on another parcel website, apparently parcels sent wholly within the EU are not subject to customs clearance. Greece to UK is within the EU. Which is lucky because the UK is leaving the EU shortly!
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Is it worth another $50 for a beam expander for it in your opinion? Does it make enough of a difference?
The BE is always a nice extra as you can use them on other lasers as well as the one you are buying now. If it is the 3.3X BE that normally costs $55.00 from Sanwu, so if it is in that ball park it is a good deal.
Order placed! Just have to wait for arrival now. They had to send from an alternative warehouse but as a result I've had a free upgrade to UPS urgent package. Great customer service, the chap was immediately replying messages in the late hours of Sunday night!
