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This random stranger says Hi

Aug 23, 2014
Hello Laser pointer forums, I just thought I would make a thread to say hi. I didn't exactly know which category to post this in so I did "Other".

I was very active on the forums around 8-9 months ago so I wouldn't expect anyone to know who I am, also considering the fact that I didn't really hang around too long. I joined, I asked many questions, did much research and bought my first class 4 laser after many months of learning and trying to help others with the little knowledge I had at the time.

I wrote a few reviews with the few tools and measurement devices I had and it was a blast. Well, because I had a limited budget and learning speed, I wasn't of much help to LPF after a while and I started posting a lot of useless threads and replies. I grew tired of being of no use to people who wanted to learn and I stopped posting all together.

Well, 9 months later, I decided to make a small update and rejoin LPF for a short while to see how it goes. I never did learn how to make a detailed flashlight review or how to measure the divergence on a laser. I also got a car recently so I could make it to potential laser meets in Virginia.

I don't know how long I'll stay on LFP for but I hope I can be of some use for now.

Hi LeHap, did you change your avatar after I left? I had a bad habit of remembering people by their profile pictures.

(Why I never changed my avatar from they day I made my account lol)
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Welcome back SilverFire. Don't worry about being of no use, there are at least several useless people here but they aren't completely useless because they participate and add to discussions, and people answer their questions and then others read that thread and learn something from it. All you have to do is do some reading here for awhile everyday and eventually you will be an expert and able to help people, but being useful here really isn't a requirement.

LeHap changes his avatar far too frequently.

Thanks, I think I will just read a bit daily and see how that goes. Btw, your avatar is way too hard to forget lol.
Hi SilverFire, glad you decided to swing around and it is nice to see you :wave:
I am far from being an expert in anything except being a knucklehead :D
We all add to the experience here to some degree so don't beat yourself up to bad.
Nice avatar you have and yeah, some change theirs often but it keeps you on your toes :)
I remember seeing you in older threads silverfire! At least,
I remember your avatar. As others have said already,
Don't worry too bad about not feeling like you're contributing, simply being here is contributing on a level :) So welcome back!
Hey Silver!

I wasn't here 8/ months ago, but I've had lasers years. I really enjoyed reading on here, and I'm glad I joined up. It's a great resource and I enjoy reading the tech specs and gawping at beamshot pictures. If you do photography it can also be an awesome place to show off beamshot pics and long exposures, photography being one of my hobbies.

Looking forward to seeing you on here more.
