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This is what a 'Star Wars' blaster bolt would look like in real life

That does look pretty awesome! Does the camera work on all wavelengths or ONLY specific ones?

Thanks for sharing :)

Hrm after firing a monopulse lasergun I have to say the demo here does no justice to the real thing ;) Here's an older video of mine demonstrating what a monopulse 'laser bolt' looks like real-time without slow mo

Just saying......

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Can I be the nit-picking one to point out that nowhere in the actual Star Wars universe are weapons described as lasers or light based?

They fire bolts of plasma enveloped around a physical object, or something to that tune, there's an entire wiki, for example:
E-11 blaster rifle - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
The weapon is described as "particle rifle". You can follow up the links up to the technology ideas themselves if you care.

In fact there's surprisingly little reference to anything using lasers within Star Wars universe, yet for some unconcievable reason everybody thinks guns shoot lasers and lightsabers are laser swords.

NEVERTHELESS, the article linked, and technological achievement presented there are remarkable. The fact that it'll probably be turned into a weapon used to kill people is a little less remarkable.
Danafex! holy crap!! awesome video!! the ones shooting at the camera are freakin' awesome.

Can I be the nit-picking one to point out that nowhere in the actual Star Wars universe are weapons described as lasers or light based?

They fire bolts of plasma enveloped around a physical object, or something to that tune, there's an entire wiki, for example:
E-11 blaster rifle - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
The weapon is described as "particle rifle". You can follow up the links up to the technology ideas themselves if you care.

In fact there's surprisingly little reference to anything using lasers within Star Wars universe, yet for some unconcievable reason everybody thinks guns shoot lasers and lightsabers are laser swords.

NEVERTHELESS, the article linked, and technological achievement presented there are remarkable. The fact that it'll probably be turned into a weapon used to kill people is a little less remarkable.

I will nit pick even further. I like Star Wars as an amalgamation of a cool story, with a huge amount of fantasy masquerading as science fiction, and a bunch of outright mystical stuff to boot.

The movies mention light speed, but these Wiki's try to excuse the fact that the story simply says light speed because it sounded cool, with no real scientific basis.

Han Solo even says stuff like "you have to calculate your trajectory, or you might hit a star or a supernova, and that'll be the end of your trip kid!"

Soooo...isn't a supernova a star? so why mention it as two separate things? What's the wiki explanation for that one?

Now as far as lasers. I believe the turrets in the Death Star are called turbo lasers, and yet they fire exactly the same as the hand held "blasters"

Again you can excuse it away in a wiki explanation that they are not really lasers, but instead plasma bolts encased in a magnetic field, etc etc etc.

I have never understood the fascination with Star Wars weaponry. Why would you be happy with an energy weapon that fires a beam "up to yay high", when that same weapon would be awesome if capable of firing to infinity (like a laser)

Or Blasters that fire "plasma bolts" that move even slower than a paintball, and can be dodge quite easily. Wouldn't you prefer to fire a beam of energy that reaches your target at the speed of light instead? (vastly outrunning even the fastest bullets of today)

A guy with an M16 would completely dominate the battlefield against an army of Stormtroopers. Imagine someone with a Star Trek Phaser like weapon that fires it's energy beams at the speed of light? That guy would be unstoppable in the SW universe.
