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FrozenGate by Avery

This guy is THE MAN!

I have that issue, it has been one of my favorites since I was 14, when it was published - I've kept it (and all the others from the 80's) ever since, and know exactly which book shelf it is on. And yes I do remember that pic quite well.

Also, if anyone has Nat Geos from the late 60's -early 70's (I think, but couldn't swear to it, that the year was 1969), they also had an article and pics about lasers back then. Same sort of thing as this 84' one, but just longer ago. I also have that issue (no surprise there). I'd have to go find it to get the exact year and month, though.
please give me the exact date if you could! my dad has a full collection from 62 or 63 and a then quite a few since 42 but not full
thesk8nmidget said:
please give me the exact date if you could! my dad has a full collection from 62 or 63 and a then quite a few since 42 but not full

I'll look around and see if I can find that issue and let you know what year and month it was.
