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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

How many countries have thought socialism was the right thing to do ...... to later find out they have trapped themselves in an authoritarian system with no hope of getting back what they had without paying a terrible price ?

Those who fail to learn histories lessons are doomed to repeat them.


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How many countries have thought socialism was the right thing to do ...... to later find out they have trapped themselves in an authoritarian system with no hope of getting back what they had without paying a terrible price ?

Those who fail to learn histories lessons are doomed to repeat them.
The issue here is that Kamala is a capitalist who happens to hold views on certain policy issues that overlap somewhat with tenets of democratic socialism. Equating that with communism is incorrect and arguments that follow that assumption are invalid
How many countries have thought socialism was the right thing to do ...... to later find out they have trapped themselves in an authoritarian system with no hope of getting back what they had without paying a terrible price ?

Those who fail to learn histories lessons are doomed to repeat them.


Trump is the only authoritarian here. He has said he wants to be a dictator. He won't get the chance.
The issue here is that Kamala is a capitalist who happens to hold views on certain policy issues that overlap somewhat with tenets of democratic socialism. Equating that with communism is incorrect and arguments that follow that assumption are invalid
Kamala is a whore who spread her legs and sucked her way into a position of authority where she stepped on the little people and served her wealthy masters, she has no respect for our Constitution or your rights, she laughed about locking people up for minor pot violations then cackled about smoking pot herself...... you are one of many sheep who's bought into the Trump hate and been compelled to virtue signal for fear of being shunned by your peers, don't you know you're being used ?
Trump is the only authoritarian here. He has said he wants to be a dictator. He won't get the chance.
That was just Trumps sense of humor, it's the Cackling Knob Gobbler who said she would violate her oath of office and circumvent our Constitution before she's even taken the oath, but if people have any sense at all, she won't get the chance.
Your opinion is just that, it's not a fact, any assumption that follows your opinion will be no more than a theory, thus factually invalid.
That was just Trumps sense of humor, it's the Cackling Knob Gobbler who said she would violate her oath of office and circumvent our Constitution before she's even taken the oath, but if people have any sense at all, she won't get the chance.

Trump has no sense of humor. He said what he was going to do. We should believe him.
I’m not scared of being shunned by my peers, but I am resistant to becoming enveloped by a mental fog of hate and lies where walking in any direction leads back to where you started - aka Trumpism.

As an ideology it is lifeless and has no purpose outside of replicating itself. Democratic ideology is often derided as the “woke mind virus” when really conservatives are projecting their own mind virus problem.

To tell you the truth I don’t hate Trump deeply - I may vehemently dislike what he (and his supporters) stands for, but I view the man through a neutral lens. I could see him as a grandpa. When you actually look at his politics, there’s just not a lot of substance though.

He fumbles through sentences and ideas just to pass the time or say what he thinks will stir up his base (unlike Biden who can struggle to speak properly but has real underlying ideas). He has a tendency to be crass and he is careless about “political correctness” which is to say the proper etiquette for the current state of society, including progress made on race, gender, and sexuality fronts in previous decades. These tendencies tend to make him the target of easily spun stories that bash him over things he said. For example the medal of honor drama the other day - I can reasonably enough understand what he meant, while also understanding his delivery was stupid and offensive, and thus pounced on by the media.

But even if we had a Trump with perfect elocution, where would that leave us? His ideas still aren’t interesting, useful, or representative of American history and values. He praises dictators of NK and Russia while targeting US government officials. His policies have no nuance that would actually help real people and instead appeal to the worst base level reactionary instincts of people who are stuck.

Stuck pacing the room wondering how the media could twist the words of their precious leader. Stuck in the past. Stuck with no ideas of substance other than to fight for their side, etc.
I respect the intellectual capacity of people on both sides of the aisle, but it’s easy to shut down the argument that those on the left are simply intimidated into “virtue signaling”. The right is not the “free thinker” party it purports to be
I really am not crazy about the vitriol we spit during election season, just comes out. Looking forward to making a laser post one of these days and singing kumbaya
I often wonder why these are our choices, Trump or Harris....... really?
Both the VP's are more Presidential, more respectful, well spoken and more thoughtful throughout.
So how is our choice Trump or Harris ?

We are becoming the movie Idiocracy.
I often wonder why these are our choices, Trump or Harris....... really?
Both the VP's are more Presidential, more respectful, well spoken and more thoughtful throughout.
So how is our choice Trump or Harris ?

We are becoming the movie Idiocracy.
Part of me agrees here. Things just move so slowly in politics and party elites probably assume getting half the country to vote for their candidate requires recognition and prior impact. It’s not every day we get new families at the top level of politics, and that would probably make people happier. But Trump got all the backing on the right and Harris is the VP. And as it is they almost didn’t pick her. They want to know they can win before they start lol
Yea, I keep waiting for the dems to pull Michelle Obama out to replace Harris, I expect Barrack Obama would prefer that as he could influence Biden, but Kamala will do her own thing as far as she is allowed to get away with it, much will depend on the balance of power in Congress should Harris win.

Anyway, yea, Trump was popular his 1st time around and Harris was the diversity hire VP, so here we are.
