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FrozenGate by Avery

tactical laser pen?

Well, interesting futuristic design. I think quite difficult to make one without good machining tools. CNC perhaps..:undecided:
The flaps at the butt, where the switch is are just kind of out of place, getting rid of that should benefit the cost and time of production, as well as all flap-like protrusions, I'd make them a lot smaller. Also the tip will obviously need redesign, since we need a module in there and not a ball-point. Could look a bit different by the end.

Working out the inner workings could be a pain as well.

I can do the designs but I can't make it. Mill is required, CNC preferable.

But the end result would be very lightsaber-ish. I like that :D
how many times have you heard! "I've always wanted to be able to stab some1 to death with a laser" Well now you can!
how many times have you heard! "I've always wanted to be able to stab some1 to death with a laser" Well now you can!

LOL I was talking to a friend a few days ago about making a bigass laser mace with spikes instead of fins. Looks like it might become true soon...
