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SURVIVAL LASER or dragon laser

May 13, 2016
I wonder what is the best choice.
there are reliable company?
thank you
sorry for my bad english I'm french

Je vais essayer de parler en Francais, mais j'ai perdue beaucoup de ma grammaire. Ca fait longtemps que je n'est pas ecrie en Francais.

Si tu veut de la qualite, DragonLasers est la meilleur companie. Leur produit vient de CNI, qui est une company en Chine qui produit de lasers pour de professionel. Survival Lasers est aussi bon, et la qualite est bonne, mais sa vas pas etre aussi bien que DragonLasers.

J'espere que tu ma compris? :yh:

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There are many choices;

Skylaser / laser b2b

CNI, Laserglow, Optotronics - Very expensive.

O-like - Budget

Best depends on what you are looking for, and budget.
There are many choices;

Skylaser / laser b2b

CNI, Laserglow, Optotronics - Very expensive.

O-like - Budget

Best depends on what you are looking for, and budget.

Don't forget laserbtb as budget lasers. Although for the price, the quality ain't half bad! :yh:

Laser b2b is of fair quality and good service in my experience... they are on MY list below jetlasers. quite a bit above olike.
I could not get my order to go through with O-like yesterday, I logged in but it kept bouncing me back to the sign in when I went to pay.

Anyone else notice this?
Hi French,
Survival Lasers are great if you intend to build a unit from the start. The S4x is a huge host with many options at a great price. now what do you plan on the choice of diode you want , and what power and wave Length . there are many choices to choose within your budget. Well you will choose wisely and narrow down your plans what you want to build..

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I could not get my order to go through with O-like yesterday, I logged in but it kept bouncing me back to the sign in when I went to pay.

Anyone else notice this?
Just request a paypal invoice from suzy.
I could not get my order to go through with O-like yesterday, I logged in but it kept bouncing me back to the sign in when I went to pay.

Anyone else notice this?

Their website does that. They will be sending you an email and a paypal request for funds.
If you are in France you might also consider BitLasers run by a member here named Grix, ships from Norway so it could be faster and maybe no problem with customs. They ship partly disassembled but no tools required. The parts bundles from the Survival Laser international site also require only minimal assembly and they are very much one of our main sources of laser parts, I have purchased from them many times with no problem so I would buy from them before I would buy from China although they don't sell those complete lasers on their U.S. site for legal reasons, so many of us buy parts from two or more places and assemble our own.

Thank you for your answers.
I'm beginner so I do not know yet what I want (diode).
when you said that survival is laser but for parts.
they sell the whole lasers but partly assembled?
it is difficult to mount the laser survival?
thank you

hap: ton francais est encore parfait. tu me conseille dragon lasers mais j'ai un peu peur niveaux douanes vu qu'ils vendent leurs lasers entier.
sinon survival ils vendent bien des lasers complet mais juste partiellement demonté?
Thank you for your answers.
I'm beginner so I do not know yet what I want (diode).
when you said that survival is laser but for parts.
they sell the whole lasers but partly assembled?
it is difficult to mount the laser survival?
thank you

If you buy the complete laser from Survival laser you will have no trouble assembling the laser.

What I said about parts is different, those of us who assemble lasers ourself buy some of our parts from them.

