I just disected my SB #100 to diagnose the switch problem. The little black plastic button support has a shelf on each side that slides onto the pc board. There is also a little tab of self adhesive foam stuck to the outside of the button support as a shim to take up the extra room since the support looks like it was designed for a AA battery host. The foam had collapsed and flattened and the sides of the shelves are deformed like excessive downward pressure from the button was exerted on them. That would allow the pc board to flex down as pressure was applied to the momentary button causing light or intermittant contact. I never pressed the button THAT hard to cause the observed damage.
I did however send the laser to another LPF member for his evaluation. While he had my SB, it began exhibiting strange outputs that would begin strong then rapidly dim to barely visible. It is very doubtful that he would have caused that damage. Since I was not in control of this laser for the entire time, I decided to open it up therefore negating any liability to itemquickship for warranty purposes. I went ahead and ordered a
replacement module for it. When I put it all back together, I will report back.