Hi all, thank you very much for your kind attention and time,
I'm going to renew light of my club, not that big (15 x 6 meters), and making considerations while looking youtube videos Laserworld CS-1000 RGB looks good. But before buying it I would ask you some questions based on your precious experience:
I liked laserworld EL-500 RGB, maybe this is enough powerful for the room, but I see that for only some euros more I can buy the CS-1000 RGB. Does it worth in term of power of light and lights evffects preconfigured?
Is CS-1000 RGB a reliable machine in time?
I've a DMX line droven by Martin Lightjockey 2.95, there exista a fixture for CS-1000 RGB? Maybe some sequences for Martin too?
Which software you suggest me to create effects? Is it possible to store the new effects into the CS-1000 and with which interface? (DMX?) Can I recall stored effects by DMX?
would you suggest me another laser around the same price? Any suggestion from your precious experience is welcome!
Thank you a lot! :thanks:
I'm going to renew light of my club, not that big (15 x 6 meters), and making considerations while looking youtube videos Laserworld CS-1000 RGB looks good. But before buying it I would ask you some questions based on your precious experience:
I liked laserworld EL-500 RGB, maybe this is enough powerful for the room, but I see that for only some euros more I can buy the CS-1000 RGB. Does it worth in term of power of light and lights evffects preconfigured?
Is CS-1000 RGB a reliable machine in time?
I've a DMX line droven by Martin Lightjockey 2.95, there exista a fixture for CS-1000 RGB? Maybe some sequences for Martin too?
Which software you suggest me to create effects? Is it possible to store the new effects into the CS-1000 and with which interface? (DMX?) Can I recall stored effects by DMX?
would you suggest me another laser around the same price? Any suggestion from your precious experience is welcome!
Thank you a lot! :thanks: