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FrozenGate by Avery

[suggestion] help choosing proper laser (CS-1000 RGB?)

May 26, 2016
Hi all, thank you very much for your kind attention and time,

I'm going to renew light of my club, not that big (15 x 6 meters), and making considerations while looking youtube videos Laserworld CS-1000 RGB looks good. But before buying it I would ask you some questions based on your precious experience:

I liked laserworld EL-500 RGB, maybe this is enough powerful for the room, but I see that for only some euros more I can buy the CS-1000 RGB. Does it worth in term of power of light and lights evffects preconfigured?

Is CS-1000 RGB a reliable machine in time?

I've a DMX line droven by Martin Lightjockey 2.95, there exista a fixture for CS-1000 RGB? Maybe some sequences for Martin too?

Which software you suggest me to create effects? Is it possible to store the new effects into the CS-1000 and with which interface? (DMX?) Can I recall stored effects by DMX?

would you suggest me another laser around the same price? Any suggestion from your precious experience is welcome!
Thank you a lot! :thanks:

Either would be sufficiently powerful. Where are you located? Within the US at least there are very strict laws regarding setting up a laser projector at a club, and either of those models would be dangers if not setup properly.

Not sure about the best way to use either, but hopefully someone comes along who can help you.

I suggest also asking this question on Photon Lexicon.
Maybe things have changed but Laser World used to be avoided, at least by the professionals. Their kit used to be under spec much of the time. Perhaps times have changed - I haven't seen much mention of them in a while.

Saying that - I don't imagine you'd be wanting to spend money on something like a projector from Kvant or some such - seems like it'd be overkill for your use. Maybe one of the decent Chinese projector vendors would work better in that case - there's a few Chinese manufacturers that have built a good reputation in the community.

Head over to photonlexicon.com - they are all about projectors. That forum is filled with professionals from the laser show industry, they'll be able to point you in the right direction much better than most people on here can... although some folk are on both forums!

They should also be able to fill you in on any necessary laws/regulations you need to adhere to in your country - just need to let them know where you're at. Some places are fairly strict when it comes to these things - namely the USA.
Thank you sooo much for precious answers! I'm going to ask right now to photonlexicon.com, but for some reasons I got a database error.. maybe they are experiencing temporary problem, I hope!

I'm in Russia and here it seems regulations aren't that strict, but I'll get to know more about it. Chances are, if I'm projecting in higher areas avoiding to hit people eyes, there won't be regrets about. I'm going to be careful about.

Yes I?m not going to spend much, target is 450€, price of CS-1000, or less if worths to.. may you kindly indicate a good chinese manufactors? Chances are here is better to buy one from there due to customs differences. Thank you!
Thank you sooo much for precious answers! I'm going to ask right now to photonlexicon.com, but for some reasons I got a database error.. maybe they are experiencing temporary problem, I hope!

I'm in Russia and here it seems regulations aren't that strict, but I'll get to know more about it. Chances are, if I'm projecting in higher areas avoiding to hit people eyes, there won't be regrets about. I'm going to be careful about.

Yes I?m not going to spend much, target is 450€, price of CS-1000, or less if worths to.. may you kindly indicate a good chinese manufactors? Chances are here is better to buy one from there due to customs differences. Thank you!

Oh yeah - I saw mention of that yesterday. Apparently PL's host (dreamhost) is having issues. I'd check if it's up again later today or tomorrow at some point.

Definitely best just to keep the beams high enough that they can't get into anyone's eyes - if you don't then it's a lawsuit waiting to happen. It's happened before in Russia: Russian concert laser show blinds 30 - Telegraph

As far as I remember these two are good:

Goldenstar Stage Lighting Co. Ltd

Lightspace Co.,Ltd.

I feel like I'm forgetting a third one ...

Not sure what kind of support their projectors have for DMX - may want to check on that before purchasing! :D

I've not dealt with Lightspace (Eightonlight) myself but you should be able to find some reviews of their stuff on PL and possibly on here.

I've bought parts from Goldenstar - service was good from them.
VERY hard to help those who wont help themselves by completeing the personal profile-- how we answer can vary a LOT depending where you are..

as was said very poor choice of projector- in NO way compliant..and unlikely spec in output or long living...

& I wont even start on safety- FDA variance as a buyer and operator- and that PJ is FAR from being compliant..
