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FrozenGate by Avery

Sparkles in the Green Laser Beam ?

Apr 14, 2007
I recently bought a Destructive Gear 75mW Serious green laser.

I notice in the laser beam some small sparlkles throughout the beam if you look at it from an angle.

Is this normal or a sign of some type of problem? Id so how can it be fixed? Thanks

It can only be fixed by shining your laser through a vaccuum ! That is perfectly normal - it is small particles in the air lighting up when struck by the lasers' photons....there is a special name for it, Raleigh effect or something, I forget :P ::) But do not worry, it is perfectly normal ! Can you see the beam really strong when the lights are out ? If you cannot, then that is a totally different issue - that is a bad laser, as ANY laser that is 75mw should be able to be seen - lemme know !
I'm not entirely sure if this is what your asking, but it sounds like "scatter" to me which is entirely fine. When you move the laser like up and down or across a wall does the scatter go away????
I'm not certain I want dog's nuts on my lasers, but hey - whatever works, I suppose ! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D hehehehehe

Seriously, they are supposed to be PERFECT for everything ! Not the dog's nuts - the lensepen !
SenKat said:
I'm not certain I want dog's nuts on my lasers, but hey - whatever works, I suppose ! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D hehehehehe

Seriously, they are supposed to be PERFECT for everything ! Not the dog's nuts - the lensepen !
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I think he's talking about the little sparkles of the beam in the air. That's perfectly normal, those sparkles are just dust reflecting light off the laser beam.
the sparkles in the beam are probable 2 things. dust/dirt in the air. or as Senkat said it Raleigh scattering. this is where the beam hits particles smaller than the wavelength of the beam (air/water molecules).... this is why you can see lasers beam at night without smoke or dust. i suppose the glittering though is more likely dust.
When I shine my 35 watt HID spotlight up at night, I see dust, dirt, smoke and BUGS - OH DAMN -- those bugs ;D

