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FrozenGate by Avery

Spare c@sio lens?


Dec 27, 2011
Hey guys, I need one of those glass lens from a projector... need it for a greenie that has the current lens all derped up. My fault.

PM me if you have one!

I have all the optics from a Crapio projector for sale !
Check my sig ;)

Which lens do you need? the one that sit above each diode? I have, just pay
the shipping.

Also, which lens are you replacing? Im not sure if these would work well as a
collimator, perhaps they would be fine for the expander... though i've never tried it.
The best bet would be to use a dead 532 pen, or anything low cost..
All the parts you need are in them, and you get a clean set of optics
with the proper coating.

If you can get your hands on an old WL Core 5mW, or leadlight 5mW the
optics are perfect. The output collimator is glass and the expander makes
for a nice thin output.

I didn't notice if you have IR goggles, but its an absolute must before you proceed.
I'm sure you know this, but it never hurts to throw that one out there :beer:
The best bet would be to use a dead 532 pen, or anything low cost..
All the parts you need are in them, and you get a clean set of optics
with the proper coating.

If you can get your hands on an old WL Core 5mW, or leadlight 5mW the
optics are perfect. The output collimator is glass and the expander makes
for a nice thin output.

I didn't notice if you have IR goggles, but its an absolute must before you proceed.
I'm sure you know this, but it never hurts to throw that one out there :beer:

It's really weird the lens layout is, and it's not really "standard"...


is the lens I'm attempting to replace. They're splashy and scratched and just bleh.


I assume this is the beam expander on it, right?
That looks to be it.. Also, going by the pic, that lens is fairly big. What you can do is
remove it, then drill a small hole through it. Make sure its clean then re-mount it.

A smaller expander lens can then be put on top of that, aligned and epoxied in place.
If you pull that lens, post its diameter in millimeters, I can tell you off hand what is
the closest suitable replacement.

I have a few lenses from various common pens, though IIRC none are bigger than
6mm or so.
if it's the expander you want to replace, the ring it sits on can be removed. then remove the lens from the ring and center up a new one. you'll need to carefully remount the ring making sure the light exits along the long axis of the host exactly. the firedragons use the same setup.
expanding lens for green dpss lasers can be found here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/5pcs-5mm-bi...180?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a137073ac

edit: i would like to have one of those lens that sit in front of the 9mm 445 diodes out now, if anyone wishes to part with one
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