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FrozenGate by Avery

Someone can help me to find 70w+ laser site


New member
Feb 6, 2024
I knew a site "truelasersaber" but the site no longer exist so if you Know of a site That sells lasers over 70w tell me pls

You sound like a accident looking for a place to happen.

There are no 70W laser pointers offered for sale by any manufacturer anywhere in the world.
People might be more willing to answer your questions if we knew more about you. Try an introduction in the 'Welcome' section. A 70 watt handheld is not a laser pointer. It is a tool or a weapon. They are also the kind of things that might eventually get our hobby banned so people here are a bit more tight-lipped about information regarding such things. We only want to share that information to those we believe will not do stupid shit with them.
I knew a site "truelasersaber" but the site no longer exist so if you Know of a site That sells lasers over 70w tell me pls
Stop spamming the forum multiple times of the same thing. Thank you
