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Some recent buys and builds

May 30, 2016
Left to right

Spartan 589nm 50mw
Lifetime17 mini Cree host PLT5 450B
PLT5 450B
A type M140
Husky pen mod NDG4612
Defiant pen mod GGW 650nm
Aspire CF Mod with a DTR 510 sink v2 HL63603TG

I wasn't going to show the pen builds since they look crude but what the neck why not.

The Spartan has gotten a lot better with some heat cycles and just learning the thing. Its temperamental and interesting to watch the LPM as it performs its miracle of 589nm. Its all over the place and always acts different. This one likes starting at 60° with a drained 18650. I get around 80mw for about 1.5 minutes. The whole time mode hopping. I really enjoy this one.

The story with the Lifetime17 mini cree hosts. I found these tiny flashlights scouring through ebay looking for something interesting and came across these. I ordered 3 pack and recieved them pretty fast from seller. Sent Rich some pics of it broken down and had a design idea. He went out and purchased them from a different seller and made up a AL sink for it and threw in a PLT5 450B module. I ended up asking him to make the three copper heatsinks for the hosts I had. Worked out the details and they arrived shortly. I tore into the package and mock fit the heatsinks to the hosts and realize there are significant variations to this model between brands. Bummer right. Throw a battery in the premade AL host power it on and it looked like something was on the lens or window. Take it down clean with lens an still no good. Looked like someone sneezed on it. I'm guessing the temp difference from NJ to FL and humidity got in there and ruined things. I sent Rich a message about my misfortunes and we talked on the phone. We were both upset because things have always gone smoothly. He insisted on sending me his flashlights and replacing the diode. That's the kind of guy he is. So while the remedy was in the mail I put a Flexdrive on a A type M140 and threw it in the Al host. I was supposed to get another NDG4612 along with the PLT5 450B and HL63603TG but I'm fairly certain I ended up getting the PL520B. Edit. Double checked and its a NDG4216 SM diode.

The pen builds are the biggest pia of all my builds. I wanted to try my hand at it and it took a few hours over a few days and 1 diode and driver sacrifice to get the two I have. I wish I had an Al sleeve for them to finish up the look but I worked with what I had. I may try layering shrink wrap on the NDG4612 to blend it into the pen light.

The CF Mod was a impulse buy. I'm a vaper and never owned one for vaping. I came across some picks of them with the 510 heatsink and had to get one. Side clicky to boot. Its a really clean looking laser. It had a 5 click on/off function that is convenient. The 10 second on limit is just fine.






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Edit: I rebuilt the NDG4612 pen. Runs off a single 10440 and the front barrel twists to adjust focus. The threaded end of the 12mm module head fits into the front end of the pen light bodies. I soldered the neg input lead from the driver to the threads on the diode module head. Filed it down to where I could press it into the pen body. Used the spring from the pen light pill and soldered that to the pos input of the driver. Heat shrinked the driver and spring to avoid shorting. Modded the tail cap with an empty lens barrel and a lens spring to take up the space and make connection. Heat shrinked that end up. Added the battery and tested good. Set the focus to just into divergence. Pressed in a rubber automotive plug into the front barrel of the pen light. Sliced off what was protruding. Unscrewed the barrel and added a little glue to the surface of the module lens adjuster. Screwed the barrel back on and pressed the rubber tube in against the lens adjuster and let cure. I'm much happier with these results. Also made another one the same way with a Mtype M140 and a nano driver @1.1a.

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Hi dden. I really like that 520 pen build. Do you know how many mw you're getting? And the spartan. :p .......a jealous man I am.:scowl::bowdown::)
Hi dden. I really like that 520 pen build. Do you know how many mw you're getting? And the spartan. :p .......a jealous man I am.:scowl::bowdown::)

It puts out about 80mw. Thanks for the compliment. Its the result of the mind set 'this is going to happen' lol. I run 2 10440 in it. It will also work with AAA rechargeables. I gotta slow down with the laser building its getting out of hand. I've been a member here for less than a year and have more lasers than I know what to do with. Almost as bad as the RC hobby was. It all started with whether I wanted the blue or green WL years ago. Still don't own a WL. Lol. Take care bud.
Yeah, I'm getting around a little better than I was. I'm afraid I still have a long healing process to still go through. Thanks for the heads up. I'd have repped you, but I did a few days ago.
Really like your matching Cree's, they look great with that copper sink and those focus knobs. Rich is great to work with he'll go out of his way to make things right, even if he has to take a loss. Got to give it to the man he does things with integrity. But back to your collection ~ nice ~ very! Beamshots are always great! Thanks for letting us see. :)
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