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FrozenGate by Avery

So I went to the Optometrist Today...

Just, be careful next time with your lasers
No freakin' duh... :P
I'm normally extremely careful with my lasers and I certainly never expected this kind of thing to happen to me. But sometimes, by the nature of the fact that lasers are dangerous, these kinds of things can happen.

Btw, sorry for mentioning it but is it annoying to have such a blind spot?
Not really. When I can see with both eyes (i.e. I'm not looking around a corner such that my right eye is blocked), the spot is completely invisible because my brain has learned to ignore the spot. When my right eye is blocked, the spot isn't particularly annoying because it is extremely small.

I'm glad that people bought glasses because of this story. I have protective glasses; I had them even before the incident. The problem is that they can sometimes be hard to see through and if you take off the glasses and are near your laser at close proximity, you are in great danger. Right now, I always put my glasses on, start the laser up, place the laser in its final area, and then take the glasses off if I need to. As long as the laser doesn't move and I remember where the beam is, I'm safe.

Well for me I only see it when my right eye is also closed,the dot is slightly lower to the left of where I see, so if I look at a "J" then the spot would appear to be around the tail of the J.
The other day, I was looking at my Core's business end, not dead on mind you, and the button got pressed, and I got some green in the eye. Thankfully I didn't get hit for very long, and am VERY glad that it wasn't one of the two lasers I hope to get soon, both of which would have blinded me if I had been exposed for the same amount of time.
@jwc, thanks for the info. I *think* I see the part of the fovea you mentioned. You are right, it does not immediately stand out as abnormal.

Sorry to hear about your accident. Good luck -- maybe over time it will heal. At least your brain compensates for it.
The picture links (to MIT in the first post, and to lasersarenottoys in the comments) seem to be both broken.
This thread is almost six years old, what did you expect!
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