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FrozenGate by Avery

So i got my x85 yesterday....

Jul 19, 2007
and boy was it worth the wait!!! I'm not gonna type alot cause i just typed up about a page worth of shit and when i submitted it the webpage failed and i lost my whole post. Anyway, heres the summary haha

I got a free Double Matrix Diffraction Grating, pretty awesome, and that got me excited when I opened the package. Then I pulled out the laser's box and read the lable on the outside:

X-Series X85
Peak Output Power - 100.1 mw
Average Output Power - 98.4 mw


The past two days have had nearly 100% humidity too, so this beam is just EXPLODING with brightness. I really am blown away. I can even see all 50 or so of the individual beams from the double matrix diffraction grating!!

Awesome product Nova, pictures and videos to come as I will be submitting alot to Nova to get some free shit ;D


Wow, thatt thing is really stable, 100mW peak and 98mW average. Does your laser mode hop when it gets low on batteries? And do you have some nice recharables to go with your awesome laser? ;D
A bunch of here share your excitement !! The first high power is too much to appreciate ----- Take time and have safe fun.

lol mike, im workin on the safe fun, i need to get me some free goggles haha, and no i dont have any rechargeables yet, ive been working too late and the stores have been closed every day ive gotten home from work lol, i gotta figure out the best batterys to get anyway
