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small diode issue and GB idea

Apr 2, 2009
I have learned that few of the diodes I sent out had a bit of thermal compound on or near the window--for that I apoligize-:oops:- Casio had some on them--I tried to get if off but feared I may do more harm than good--(first time for me doing a 'harvest' like this) so FYI anyone getting these diodes from anybody should take care and check the window carefully.

:wave:If anyone feel up to the task a GB on silver warning labels for 445nm would seem to me to be a great idea. Or if there are some out there already at a reasonable price plz let me know as I need a few. :thanks: Some could surely be sold on FeeBay at a nice profit as well.

latest listing for diodes now has some for 70$ apiece. Price War-- from 299$ two weeks ago to $70 today---go figure--:thinking:- Hak

If you had a laser printer you could make your own labels. They're not that difficult to make.
