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Since Blue light (445 nm) and around is considered dangerous, how come it is used in laser shows?


Jul 15, 2019
I figured out I am wondering. How is it possible for blue lasers to be used in laser shows (even when diffused, thus much less powerful), if the blue light in any strength is considered to possibly cause photochemical damage to the eye?1.png2.png
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I am not sure yet what is the answer. It seems it’s either a) No, 380-500 nm lasers are not used for light shows; b) They are but shouldn’t or c) It’s a myth; the light is not THAT dangerous.
I figured out I am wondering. How is it possible for blue lasers to be used in laser shows (even when diffused, thus much less powerful), if the blue light in any strength is considered to possibly cause photochemical damage to the eye?View attachment 65905View attachment 65906
An analogy.
I can pass my hand through a candle flame without harm, yet if I hold my hand over the flame I will cause harm.
In every study I have looked at, it is only intense light, like staring at the sun, that causes this kind of damage. For diffuse laser reflections and other sources of blue light, it is not something I have ever worried about and, to date, has caused none of the concerned damage to my old eyes according to my ophthalmologist.
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