We’ve had some issues lately; I apologize for them, and I want to take responsibility.
First off, we bit off a bit more than we could chew. We have been involved with some other projects recently (Giannis can attest to this), and with the small number of staff that we have, it’s been difficult to split attention between the laser community and our other projects. On top of that, we’ve had PERSISTENT issues with our local post office after a mail carrier change (packages going missing, not being scanned, etc) and it has been hell to deal with everything.
We will be making some changes immediately. I’ll be coordinating our inventory more accurately to make sure that products are never backordered; in the case that anything is out of stock, we’ll stop sales on that item and notify customers until we refill our inventory. Simple enough.
I started Tinker because I love lasers; I love light. I would like to set a good example for the community.
If anyone here has had any issues, please contact us; I’ll do my best to respond as quickly as possible. (Also, we’d love to interact with the community more; with the permission of staff, we’d be very happy to run a giveaway for community members soon.)