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FrozenGate by Avery

Shipment being reviewed by Customs? (Canada)

You guys are really lucky that even after reviewing it, they still let it passed. Can't get s**t through over here. They even are now opening up Torches to make sure they aren't lasers. Aussie customs are strict as hell.
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You guys are really lucky that even after reviewing it, they still let it passed. Can't get s**t through over here. They even are now opening up Torches to make sure they aren't lasers. Aussie customs are strict as hell.

That sucks. I count myself lucky, considering I've heard of people having their 300$ lasers seized :P
That sucks. I count myself lucky, considering I've heard of people having their 300$ lasers seized :P
I guess, But, As weird as it may sound, If I could have just imported lasers, I wouldn't at all be motivated to build them myself. Now that they only way to get a good high powered laser is to build it has motivated me to. Which is a good thing I guess.
What do they do in Australia if they see you using one?

That question is really quite vague. If you are seen, tracked, followed, monitored by the government using one you would get busted. Though its not like governments have the time, money, or resources to sit around and stare at the sky watching for people using lasers. As long as you don't sit there pointing the laser at airplanes over and over from the same location or stand in front of a police car and use your laser the likelihood of anything happening is beyond low. You would have to be one of the most unlucky people ever to be one of the couple people that just happened to be using it when some administration of the government happens to be watching and they make an example of you.

That being said, don't point your laser at any airplanes or cars or anywhere that could get you in trouble to push your luck.
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Damn, I always thought that Canada was like the country of lasers, and everyone is allowed to buy lasers online, that sucks.
More countries banning lasers, I think one day will have to travel to China to buy our lasers.

And wtf is wrong with Australia ??, they even check flashlights !?
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For the Auzzies I would hide the laser in something. Like inside a pair of shoes that have a hidden compartment:evil:
I actually did hide stun guns inside an xbox once, they didn't catch it :eg:
Also when I was coming back from the US I did hide a cross bow, damn I was soooo scared, but everything went nice and easy because I disassembled it into pieces.
As long as you know what you are doing. Do you ever watch the series Locked up Abroad ?
You know what happens if they catch you. :eg:
Yeah I know that its dangerous, but you know, I buy the stun gun for like $5, and I sell it locally for more than $120, hard to resist.
But I will never smuggle like this again, a lot of stress and you are afraid most of the time.
Yeah I know that its dangerous, but you know, I buy the stun gun for like $5, and I sell it locally for more than $120, hard to resist.
But I will never smuggle like this again, a lot of stress and you are afraid most of the time.

Yeah... I guess that's the feeling you get knowing you are
doing something illegal and your next girlfriend could be
named Bubba...:eek:


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