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Sharp GH04955A2G/ The New 495nm diodes

Did you try to join the chat Paul? We saw your name pop up.

Having any issues?

It looks like a Skype chat room. Don't have the time right now to do that. I thought it was a new thread. I am literally running from one thing to the next here with all I have going on.
Thanks Paul!

fnaly real 495nm diodes! Mine will arrive tomorrow but I won't be able to test them before the weekend. Can't wait to cherry pick them :). I can also test the wl shift based on current and temperature independently with a temperate controlled mount. Current wise I can even look when one of them pops (just for the science)

That's awesome, Singlemode. I have been thinking of building a temperature controlled module, but haven't been able to get around to it. You can give us some information I just can't right now. It would be great if you would measure the optical power vs diode's current all the way to destruction. I won't do that as these are too precious to me to destroy even one. I should have the rest of these measured tomorrow. Can't wait to see what you come up with. :D
I have a remote controllable Current driver/TEC controller combination. Never used the included script language for ramp generation though, just the basic functions. If it will take to long to understand it, I will make a curve by hand :)

Those laser diodes look rather nice, too bad they're a tad too low on side of the wavelength but still, I won't complain too much - they're almost true Cyan (not Cyanide green as I originally thought they'd be). I would pick them up once they get in stock.
Those laser diodes look rather nice, too bad they're a tad too low on side of the wavelength but still, I won't complain too much - they're almost true Cyan (not Cyanide green as I originally thought they'd be). I would pick them up once they get in stock.

I am sure you can push them up to 3 nm with current/temperature. On the side of the spectrum you have the 501/502nm from sharp. What WL are you looking for?

I am sure I will be fine with 490nm - I am kinda hoping for about 495nm (498-493nm Cyanide green color), I will still get the diode even if it doesn't make the cut. It's more of wavelength color collection (of the exotic laser diodes - yellow / orange laser diodes would be neat because they are the unicorn of the laser world).

EDITED: Color me surprised; I decided to google up the yellow laser diodes for sh*t and giggles, apparently they now exist (so do orange laser diodes too). They're more of laboratory curiosity right now until they get pretty good yields on those Indium : Gallium Phosphide laser diodes.
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I am sure I will be fine with 490nm - I am kinda hoping for about 495nm (498-493nm Cyanide green color), I will still get the diode even if it doesn't make the cut. It's more of wavelength color collection (of the exotic laser diodes - yellow / orange laser diodes would be neat because they are the unicorn of the laser world).

The last diode of the 5 Paul tested so far is >495nm :) But I am also looking like you fpr 495nm or higher for scientific purposes.

EDITED: Color me surprised; I decided to google up the yellow laser diodes for sh*t and giggles, apparently they now exist (so do orange laser diodes too). They're more of laboratory curiosity right now until they get pretty good yields on those Indium : Gallium Phosphide laser diodes.

Do you have a link or two?

What's the availability on these looking like? I really want to get one of these at some point but can't atm due to being out of work since November. I'm seeing the model number listed on one site and that is it thus far. I definitely needed this little bit of news to brighten what was a dark start to a year for me. That 490-500 range is one I have dreamed of for years so this is very nice indeed.
I think these will be around to stay. Especially considering they have it listed in their lineup

Sharp has a 487nm (model # 485) coming out soon-ish as well (I actually expected those to hit first), I think the two are factory bins of a 490nm or so.
It is very interesting that the rumors of sharp aiming to produce 488nm on a large scale are around for many months now. But they officially released 505nm and 495nm on their website. Ether they produce a ton of diodes every time they change their parameters to look for 488nm or they have another reason to keep them for a later release.

Since neither NICHIA or Osram offer 505nm and 495nm diodes but both have 488nm the release of the new wavelenghts that could be produced during the research for 488nm diodes is also a strategic one.

In any case I am glad that we have such new WLs now and am sure that the 485nm ones will also appear soon.

Sharp likes to gamble, so it seems. That's kind of a good thing that the result of lottery doesn't go to the waste, those diodes instead will be made for a good while, especially by the fact that they're popular in several products. I am surprised though that they'd bother to make as many of green and blue laser diodes (and keep manufacturing them for a long time).

I would be surprised if the green laser diodes finally banish the green DPSS out of laser pointer area for good - which it may not for a bit while since in a lot, DPSS crystals can be cheaper than green diode lasers - of course, it's the blue DPSS laser pointers that have gone the way of dinosaur. (Some manufacturers may still make the blue DPSS laser pointers, but not as widespread anymore thanks to the emergence of the low cost blue laser diodes. And also, blue DPSS is incredibly fussy - get the crystal orientation wrong, and all you will get is some eye-busting Infrared laser light.)
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I have a remote controllable Current driver/TEC controller combination. Never used the included script language for ramp generation though, just the basic functions. If it will take to long to understand it, I will make a curve by hand :)


That's great! We could use that kind of information here. I look forward to your results. BTW, I should have the last of these measured for wavelength in a few hours. :thanks:
