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Selling: Wicked Lasers 1 Watt Spyder III Krypton!!!

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I have both an arctic 1w and a krypton 500mw and the arctic at best will LPM at 750mw. The krypton is much worse as it only tests to 220mw. Seems to be the consensus that wicked only set their 1w lasers to about 750mw. While I believe most will tell you the price for what you are getting is a bit much when purchased new from wicked, they are cool hosts and do have a very long duty cycle.
About the only good points I can think of though.
The forum is a great place to get both accurate information and fair advice about buying and selling lasers. The guys do a great job of keeping out the scammers and such. Take the advice you have already been given and I am sure someone will make you a fair offer.

Besta luck,
Dang Moe, you have got yourself a nice collection of 445s. Sweet Jesus. Which one is your favorite or which one do you use the most? Also did you build any of them?
Dang Moe, you have got yourself a nice collection of 445s. Sweet Jesus. Which one is your favorite or which one do you use the most? Also did you build any of them?


Thank you.
The first one listed is a Lazereer build and the next 2 are RHD builds. I am partial to the first one listed if only that it will take 3 18650's and run for a long time. The Saik I just got and is very quickly growing on me as the favorite. I probably use the 1w dragon followed closely by the beast more than the others.
Likely before the end of the year I will attempt my first build, but for now I have a lot more to learn.

Thanks for asking,
To be fair he doesn't know you, so you are a random guy on the internet to him.... but with that being said... I can simply look at your rep power post history and browse through other threads you have posted and see that you aren't just a scam artist.

If I was selling a laser being this new I would have been honored to have someone offer to help me LPM it (I don't have the $$ for one yet) and as far as a middle man goes. Let me see.. Someone who will verify the laser works and not send it to the other person until its paid for... hmm... let me think... yes please


That's what you get for trying to help someone out *sigh*

I am not some random guy on the internet.
I am a specific person in California.
I have been a part of this and other forums for many many years. I have developed a reputation with many transactions and interactions both locally, national and internationally.
I have an ebay account in good standing, my personal email, name, and address are all public information and most of which are easily found in this forum.
Now if you want to talk about someone who just created an account on this forum less than 36 hours ago, has no posts, no reputation, no name, no associated record anywhere else on the internet and no verifiable means of validating your lasers' output then the phrase "random guy on the internet" may be applicable. Try to break free of your egocentric world so that you can look around and see the people here as people and not mindless sheep who only exist to give you $800 as quickly and easily as possible. You will sell your laser here if you follow the advice you have been given. We are here to help you. If our help is not appreciated, then lotsa luck.
Yeah I may appear to be a random guy on the internet at first glance but it doesn't take much looking around to get a lot of personal information about me. That is what I meant by that. Whereas we have absolutely no information about the seller.
I understand his fear though as well as the defense mechanisms he has thrown up in attempts to protect his financial investment in this laser. What he fails to understand however is that the very defense mechanisms he has put up will also block him from selling his laser.
I am sure that if he sets a low Buy it Now price on eBay he can squeak a sale by within a day or two without the eBay cops yanking it down. I have down this in the past with success.
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