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FrozenGate by Avery

Selling 1W 445nm 18650 Laser

thats like saying i believe a burger with tax is 1.07, well it is or it isn't so then i guess we cant price the burger either? you don't need to get the goggles. I would assume that most people on this site have some, but these are better than nothing at all and due to the fact that i cant cast a OD rating on these in stone i'll make them free. You're coming off as rude and i'd appreciate it if you would not criticize me but rather be helpful thanks...

Well then good luck selling. Also you might want to explain why yours is worth so much more than yoresals or survivallasers which use that host or similar.
im not trying to be rude or criticize you. but im just saying we could make or buy a cheaper 1w laser. But hey good luck on the sale.
i had jayrob do the hot option on the kit because i didn't want to mess up a 200 dollar project so ya, and the driver is attached to the heatsink for optimum cooling. ive also been anal about keeping dust no where near it and it doesn't have a scratch.
It's not just that a cheaper laser can be made, it's that it's in an Aurora host which is popular for 445s and never have I seen someone want that much. Ever.
question then, this site is basically held up and made up of people that build their own, it will ALWAYS be cheaper to make your own. Unless i put it in some crazy host your money will always be better off spent making it. So why do we even have a buy/sell/trade if everyone wants manufactures price?
becasue not everyone know how to make a 1w laser. and people usually sell used stuff for cheaper then they bought it for its just how it works
I'm not going to post other sales threads in here to show what other people are selling 445 builds for because that would be threadjacking. Good luck with the sale...
I would go as low as $225.00 with the goggles, shipping, and the charger. If anyone is out there that would like to have a 1W build let me know, if you aren't interested i'd prefer if you didn't post on my thread.
@WarrantyVoider -

=>Right now you're offering $225 for your laser build plus one pair untested goggles, battery and charger?

As the seller you are free to ask for whatever price you want... however for this price an educated buyer would be crazy to buy from you.

Send your laser to a trusted verteran, and go from there.... building a 1W laser can be done for under ~$100... the reason why the B/S/T section work is many people don't feel like soldering... or dealing with testing, and possibly killing diodes and drivers.

I do appreciate the diffuculty of putting youreself through college... +/- a few hundred really means little in the long run... but is alot of money to you now...

Overall... given what I know so far... you can ask for ~$135 for the laser, ~$5 for battery, and ~$10 for chager.

Asking for ~$10 for the goggles would also be reasonable.

Good luck.
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What kind of driver did you use and what current is it set at?

Also is it LPM'd to ensure that its up to its rated power
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haha bro it costed my 210 for the parts to the laser alone, if i wanted to loose 40 bucks then sure i'll sell it for that

You can do this build for peanuts now.

You can buy the host,heatsink, and driver from Survival lasers for $45. Diode $45. Lens-$10 2x16340 batts-$4 on ebay
Thats $104

You really do want to consider a price drop, because Like I said, the parts cost $100 alltogether.

Yobresal sells the same laser for $150 shipped
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i had jayrob do the hot option on the kit because i didn't want to mess up a 200 dollar project so ya, and the driver is attached to the heatsink for optimum cooling. ive also been anal about keeping dust no where near it and it doesn't have a scratch.

Did you buy his kit? Becuase if you did you need to advertise it as such. It would actually help your sale as Jayrob is a very distuinguished builder and very respected for the quality of his Kits.

If you got it in the mail and threw a 445 diode it to complete it that does not make it "your" build.

Dos centavos...
you said :'' I've only had it for a month or two so its practically brand new ''
and After:''its not used more than 3 times, its BRAND NEW''
on 44640 min or 89280 min (1 month or 2) , you only use it 3 min ??
