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FrozenGate by Avery


Jul 1, 2013
HI I wanted to know if there is any difference between the above lasers apart
from the 303 is focus-able ie any difference in nominal power output .I'm asking as the SD 305a has <8000mw on it and class 3A on it but some websites say 200mw and 3B Its Obviously not 8000mw or even anywhere near. I'm pretty new to lasers and have amassed a fair collection in short period of time and fortunately also got couple pairs of googles for green/ blue and red lasers at same time after reading some of the really bad stuff that can happen to your eyes in a fraction of a second even from reflected light back

Hey, Blaster

Its hard to tell. Its just writing on the host. The module itself can be a real 200mW or a crappy 5mW.

Many chinese sellers sell this "model" of laser with different results...
Wow...they're just putting any freaking number they like on pointers these days.

You should see my <10,000 Terawatt 405nm laser!
Wow...they're just putting any freaking number they like on pointers these days.

You should see my <10,000 Terawatt 405nm laser!
Well yeah i know they go over the top but 8000mw
my 2000 mW 445 is about that ignites matches, paper,white and black from 15 feet so
i knew the output sticker was rubbish i just was curious as to others
that has same laser what LPM was on average this one lights matches melts plastic fast
Burns paper And will light a hill top with the beam spot at night from known distance of 1.4 km ie you can see the beam and spot 1.4 km away thx
