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FrozenGate by Avery

Sci-fi SMP 445nm times too

Nov 12, 2011

The package finally came after two months. I ordered two of the same model.

They were well wrapped

Here they are in light of day

They are fat and stubby!

Not really impressed with craftsmanship on inside. The pill is loose on one of them.

Gotta have a beam shot. Impressive!

Yes it burns wood!

The other beam shot

Side by side with my 5 watt

I tried putting just a single 18640 in the right Laser. Not as powerful but it is still hot enough to burn wood or light matches.
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I emailed you about the driver that went loose. They are being pressed with a press. Probably was bumped out somehow due to the shipment.

We can fix it. Reply to my email :beer:
