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Sci-Fi lasers the legend of Eithan

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Sep 12, 2015
I placed my order in September 2015, Eithan jerked me around for months and now it seems Im SOL.

Im so fucking angry right now, against my better judgement I trusted Eithan, mostly because of all the positive feedback on this forum. It seemed like he really cared about what people thought about him, and the second I posted about problems I was having with my order he immediately responded to my post (even though he ignored my emails) and told me he was resolving the issue. He also asked me to please edit the post and state that he was taking care of it. Now I feel stupid because Eithan played me, and us. I read various posts where people were having problems but Eithan was resolving the issue, this kind of information only served to further perpetuate the scam and in turn turned us (the consumers) into Eithans personal positive feedback message boards. All this kind of shit makes me think Eithan planned this all out, maybe he made a good reputation over the years and now is cashing in on his credit......

This whole situation is really just a hard pill to swallow. And now Eithan made his own post "apologizing" if you can call it that. Reading his post just made me angry, all the lies, the way he took advantage of so many honest people and his attempt to shift blame onto any one but himself, really its all disgusting. He tried to blame the situation on people because they weren't patient enough.... I made my order in SEPT 2015..... And the nerve he has to ask us not to make a claim with pay pal, telling us hes gonna make 20 lasers..... Its all just a final attempt to scam us just one more time. To be honest just judging by his behavior I would think he is on drugs, and to run a gravy train like his laser company into the ground he must have a pretty bad problem. Either way I'm fucked, I let Eithan jerk me around for months and now Im out like 500$.... Eithan I still want my fucking laser

File a paypal claim asap and elevate it to dispute.
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Sept 2015? How long has Eitan been jerking people around? Unfortunately, it's probably too late to file a paypal claim at this point. ;( I think 6 months is the cutoff.
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sorry to hear that.:(

what laser did you order from him anyway?

i bet there are member who can build you the same thing...

i have a spare laser host lying around i can give it to you for free to cheer you up.:)
I don't have a dog in this fight. But, I did read Eithan's apology and have been following what has gone one with Sci-Fi Lasers. Here's the one thing that sticks out to me in the apology: Eithan states, "At the same time , I need to live. I can not keep the money in my PayPal account for 180 days before taking it out. Comon ? it does not make any sense. I had to buy a lot of parts with it , and had to live too."

That's a real problem for me. The guy admits he was using the money he was receiving for laser orders to live on. Wrong, wrong, wrong!!! YOU NEVER DO THIS! You fund your business until its up and running, carrying itself to ensure that all monies received go to fulfill orders. That way, if you want "out", you can simply refund the money you received. The last guy to do what Eithan did on a much larger scale was Bernie Madoff.
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Eithan is a thief and a liar, he was mad as hell when his scam ended.
He had been lying for a year or more, that's not a misake, that's fraud, intentional fraud.

He is still not banned, that reminds me, time to neg rep him again.
I don't have a dog in this fight. But, I did read Eithan's apology and have been following what has gone one with Sci-Fi Lasers. Here's the one thing that sticks out to me in the apology: Eithan states, "At the same time , I need to live. I can not keep the money in my PayPal account for 180 days before taking it out. Comon ? it does not make any sense. I had to buy a lot of parts with it , and had to live too."

That's a real problem for me. The guy admits he was using the money he was receiving for laser orders to live on. Wrong, wrong, wrong!!! YOU NEVER DO THIS! You fund your business until its up and running, carrying itself to ensure that all monies received go to fulfill orders. That way, if you want "out", you can simply refund the money you received. The last guy to do what Eithan did on a much larger scale was Bernie Madoff.

I'm sorry, but this has no connection at all to what Bernie Madoff did. That was a financial investment crime and is overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission. What Eitan did was to not fulfill a contract to do work for hire. That is a civil thing, and is by it's nature, is remedied by a civil lawsuit. At least it would be if he were in the USA. It is like anything else on this forum. You trust a person to fulfill their commitment, usually because you know them or they have a good reputation. PayPal gives you some recourse, but only if you use it within their time limits. Otherwise, you are SOL.
I say it kinda does. Madoff pulled a ponzi scheme (paying of older investors with newer investors money). I believe that after Eitan spent more money than he should have, he began to use newer order funds for older order parts and etc. (Just guessing)
The actual Sci-Fi laser company is gone now, it won't be coming back. The only way it could return is if it was set-up underneath a completely different name and target another group of people, as it's obvious Eitan will no longer do any business with this forum from anyone!

We did good as a community of bringing his business down. It was poorly run, very un-profitable and caused more headaches then pleasure from customers buying from him. I've said this before, but many people warned him of what would happen if he continued on this path. What do you know a couple months later? We're here!

Can't help but notice there is a banner ad for Sci-Fi at the top of every page. It doesn't lead to his business anymore but it gives the impression that this forum supports that business. Is it because he paid and now the ad can't legally be taken down?
Can't help but notice there is a banner ad for Sci-Fi at the top of every page. It doesn't lead to his business anymore but it gives the impression that this forum supports that business. Is it because he paid and now the ad can't legally be taken down?

Yes. Many people(including me) have decided to just ignore it :yh:

I feel bad for having defended Eitan in the past, I ordered a laser from him and he said I could pay after delivery since I'd bought from him before (got wrong tracking numbers several times as well on both orders). he said my laser was finished and then I never heard from him again. I have emailed him several times and still nothing. he may have had too much on his plate, but there is no reason he couldn't just tell people he was backordered. Such a bummer. I am sorry I recommended him in the past, I didn't realize this was as common as it is
Most of us tried to stay optimistic about it. Really the only people who were really against him, were directly wronged by him. The mass of this whole ordeal really snowballed quick! Sure, there were signs of things going bad earlier, but it looked as if he was actually correcting his mistakes then.
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