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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

scanning laser in german laws

Dec 1, 2017
Hi, I know this is a laser pointer forum but thought someone here might be able to help me.

What are the official laws about using club lasers in germany? Is there any information online? Most countries have a set of guidelines, where would I find such guidelines?


Dec 1, 2017
i've googled extensively, can only find information about laser pointers or lasers used in fabrication/medical situations.

and thanks arcticdude but there isn't much info about german laws on that page unfortunately.


May 14, 2011
European laws regarding laser display installation may or may not exist, however employment law does. If you ignore any guidance and if something goes wrong and you end up in court, you would have to explain why you were not using the recommended guidance, additionallyyou need to be able to prove/have professional credentials to prove that you competent to evaluate laser show safety. Can't just be some noob hobbyist who wants to scan audiences with lasers based on his or her imagination about lasers.

Why do you want to know German audience scanning laws and regulations since you apparently don't know or even where to look and have not needed to know?
Bottom line will be to prevent anyone from being put in harms way with lasers. There are business laws and other laws related to public laser show displays. Liability insurance requirements and so on in addition to Country laser law regulations. Legal public laser show displays are a whole different world from laser pointers and more complicated than you probably imagine.

IEC 60825 (parts 1 [Equipment classification and requirements], 3 [Guidance for Laser Displays and Shows] and 14 [Safety of Laser Products - user guide] ) cover laser manufacture, specifications and use in Europe. See: https://webstore.iec.ch/preview/info_iec60825-3%7Bed2.0%7Den.pdf
Generally, you must be at or under MPE, have a scanfail device fitted at a minimum - aside from all the 'usual' things like startup delay, estop, etc and probably (as with most H&S things these days) be able to prove 'competency', both in being able to evaluate if a show is safe, take all reasonable steps to ensure it is if it isn't, and then actually carry out the safe show.
So first steps would probably be to do a safety course, where you'll find out about regulations and laws you'll need to comply with, and how to comply with them.

International Laser Display Association - Audience Scanning Audience scanning information for ILDA Members
"A: Audience scanning requires a permit or other explicit permission in advance. This permission may be required by the government and/or by the venue operator. Austria, Finland, Germany, Scotland, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States "

Also see ILDA's new web site: Home | International Laser Display Association

You can call or email ILDA's Executive Director and ask him--he would know about same

Patrick Murphy
ILDA Executive Director
7062 Edgeworth Drive
Orlando Florida 32819, USA
Phone +1 407-797-7654

Talk with and ask these guys--they will know all for sure: https://www.ds-lasershows.de/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7t7Att_i2wIVSbnACh1GoAo0EAMYASAAEgLu1PD_BwE
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Sep 20, 2013
That is some good information, Encap. It is not easy for us to find all the laws governing the use of laser shows in public in other countries. If one is contemplating one of these and has little to no knowledge about the law, it is best to hire someone to handle the show and insurance.
Apr 6, 2014
donkeykong00, Encap has tried to help you twice now.
You asked a similar question in December 2017 regarding The Netherlands Laws and he answered you back then too.

Does anyone know what are the official rules and regulations for using laser projectors in the netherlands in public spaces such as clubs?

Is there a specific certification that you need or is it similar to other countries where there is a list of rules you must follow.


he answered....

Pleaase make a Welcome post in the Welcome sub-forum about yourself and indicate your location in you profile if you expect receognition and/of help on LPF.
PS You do know google does work--right? :crackup:

No applicable law other then a law about laser pointers, however…the ARBO (Dutch regulations about safe working environments) does adhere to the NEN 6025x standard and the new generic advisory given out by the EU that personnel working in such environments must be able to carry out their work in a safe and non-harmful way. There is some advise given which we are still trying to unearth into something more tangible.

So in general in the Netherlands, audience scanning is allowed but it is a general rule of thumb with our professional colleagues here to adhere to the German TUV standards to stay at least at 3 meters above ground level with the lowest beams. Unfortunately there is no real control over this and we’ve seen companies hit audiences with beams and powers far over safe levels."

From: Audience scanning information for ILDA Members

You have failed to make a Welcome thread or put your general location in your bio.
It would be nice of you to do that if you keep wanting people to help you here on LPF.



May 14, 2011
donkeykong00, Encap has tried to help you twice now.
You asked a similar question in December 2017 regarding The Netherlands Laws and he answered you back then too.

he answered....

You have failed to make a Welcome thread or put your general location in your bio.
It would be nice of you to do that if you keep wanting people to help you here on LPF.


Good point RB astro--I forgot about that one.You are 100% right.

So donkeykong00 --what's up with you and why the silly nick?
Did you come here just to tell us you can even figure out how to research things on goggle or what?
Please make a Welcome post in the Welcome sub-forum and indicate your global location in your profile.
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