Hi all,
Im building a laser, and i need some help chosing the right mA.
I have a closed can diode extracted from 16x dvd burner.
With a LM317 driver, to stabillize the current
On the internet i found a video, where they used a opencandiode,
They set their mA at 430.
But how much mA can a closedcandiode handel?
Im trying to make a burning red laser that wont die after 2times being turned on.
Thanks , Jurre
Im building a laser, and i need some help chosing the right mA.
I have a closed can diode extracted from 16x dvd burner.
With a LM317 driver, to stabillize the current
On the internet i found a video, where they used a opencandiode,
They set their mA at 430.
But how much mA can a closedcandiode handel?
Im trying to make a burning red laser that wont die after 2times being turned on.
Thanks , Jurre