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FrozenGate by Avery

Sales of Laser diodes and other components? Still illegal???

The Federal code Starts at

21 CFR 1040.10

A quick summary of title 21 is here:


Yes, a raw diode is a laser under the rules.

The problem is a serious lack of enforcement, not a lack of having the regulations. Since enforcement is not uniform, the exact interpretation is difficult. Remember, it is more of a administrative law then a criminal law, and thus there is little in the way of public court records etc for guidance. A really serious violation could carry 6 months or 300,000$ fine.


"A laser or laser system that is intended for use as a component of an electronic product shall itself be considered a laser product"

End Quote.

If it emits light from "Light Amplification from Stimulated Emission of Radiation", its a laser under the definition. Raw diodes do count as lasers.

Title 21 enables enforcement, much of the actual practice of the "law" are actually rulings that have been issued by CDRH as "Laser Letters" or "Laser Notices". Administrative law is a lot different then criminal law you learn in school.

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