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Safety - Packages from China - Coronavirus

SANWU just announced on their web site:
8 Feb, 2019.: New order shipping will be delayed until further notice (manufacturing suspend by China government due to coronavirus)"

I don't think this manufacturing pause has anything to do with contaminated packages, it's about keeping people from spreading the virus to each other.

From what I hear 3 out of 4 cases don't have any more than flu like symptoms so many Chinese may be spreading this without knowing they have it, the US is sending ncov testing kits to China which should help but until they quarantine everyone who has it the spread won't stop.

They need to get everyone who's sick into the hospitals to stop the spread, people who are sick at home are going to spread this to family/others when they think it's just the simple FLU

I saw on the news that the FLU infects 20 Million in the US each year and there are 35-50K deaths so at worse that's 1 in 4000 but 2019-ncov is 1 in 50 at present just for perspective, so if 20 Million in US were to get ncov at this rate we would have 400,000 deaths, well 440,000 if 2.2% which is current estimate.

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A) I'm all for intellectual debate, but why are there two duplicate threads on this?

B) Just wipe down your box and packaging with a Clorox wipe and done. Little risk, now no risk.

C) Ok first the Hong Kong Protests and now this. FFS let Sanwu do business already!! This is freaking ridiculous.
A) I'm all for intellectual debate, but why are there two duplicate threads on this?

B) Just wipe down your box and packaging with a Clorox wipe and done. Little risk, now no risk.

C) Ok first the Hong Kong Protests and now this. FFS let Sanwu do business already!! This is freaking ridiculous.
I agree with point “C”. I mean, no, I don’t agree. 😳😁
That would be selfish on the part of those of us that ordered a sweet sweet laser from Sanwu, only to realize our timing sucked. So now we eagerly yet somehow patiently await, while hoping at the same time that all the folks at Sanwu and their families are at home, in the best of health.
They can take as long as need be. It’s only a laser. A sweet sweet sweet laser... But only a laser. We will get them soon enough.
I can’t even imagine what they are actually going through in China right now, specially with the Chinese government’s compulsion to overly control the news, and make sure they share with the world only as much as the government feels like sharing.
Meanwhile I guess we will just have to fight the hoards of Empire Stormtroopers probably about to drop down on us, the old fashioned way. With rocks! 😳😁
I read in the New York Times today that the Chinese government is allowing people from the WHO in after rebuffing their offer of help with their problems with this virus. If the reports are true there could be an unreported number of cases in China. Without good statistics it will be difficult to know just how bad this can get.
It’s getting pretty bad already. The U.K. alone is already warning of a possibility of a pandemic here. A medical centre has just had to close as a doctor had it. Now we are tracing everyone that doctor had contact with.
The US spent the last 20 years preparing for this type of contingency. So far it is still well under control here.
Worryingly the U.K. was prepared too. But somehow a doctor was working whilst infected. Scary to think.
I agree with point “C”. I mean, no, I don’t agree. 😳😁
That would be selfish on the part of those of us that ordered a sweet sweet laser from Sanwu, only to realize our timing sucked. So now we eagerly yet somehow patiently await, while hoping at the same time that all the folks at Sanwu and their families are at home, in the best of health.
They can take as long as need be. It’s only a laser. A sweet sweet sweet laser... But only a laser. We will get them soon enough.
I can’t even imagine what they are actually going through in China right now, specially with the Chinese government’s compulsion to overly control the news, and make sure they share with the world only as much as the government feels like sharing.
Meanwhile I guess we will just have to fight the hoards of Empire Stormtroopers probably about to drop down on us, the old fashioned way. With rocks! 😳😁
I completely agree with you and I know. I have many Chinese friends and they're worried sick. It must be awful. But the point point is, is it just me? Or are things in China just going completely down the drain as of late?
