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FrozenGate by Avery

Safety glasses issue

Feb 11, 2014
Ok, so after getting a 405nm 500mw laser, I decided it would be a good idea to get safety goggles (duh). So since I only have 1 pair of eyes, I figured I wouldn't go cheap, and bought a pair of $60 eagle vision goggles that work with this laser, and the 445nm laser I will be getting soon, only problem is, I think it works too good! It's hard to see my laser (I can only see it when it's focused) and at night, seeing anything else is next to impossible if it's dark out. It seems to make everything else so dark. My next laser is a 2.4w 445nm btw

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that means they're doing their job.
obviously you take them off when you know your situation is under control and the chances of laser meeting eye are minimal (I won't say impossible as nothing is impossible). You obviously remove them for things like sky pointing.

General rule I have in the house is glasses go on when setting up the lasers or when walking about. It could be too easy to trip over a tripod. When everything is positioned and I know the beam is unobstructed (i.e. not pointing at a crystal) off come the glasses.
That's also my problem wth laser goggles, they're doing their job too good in some situations.
