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FrozenGate by Avery

S3 Arctic rebuilds?

I bought one of those hosts too...

They are pristine!

It is machined to perfection. Thick aluminum/polished. :)

It also has a very nice recessed, forward clicky tail switch that allows momentary on if you want. :cool:

I have an A-130 diode in mine. Set at 1070mA's. It is a high efficiency diode putting out 980mW's with AixiZ 445 glass...

If it becomes a kit Jay you can bet I'll be asking you about it, what a sleek looking host! I'm kicking myself already for not ordering a few more diodes from Dave but there's always tomorrow :D

Man TJ, you scored on that deal!

If it becomes a kit Jay you can bet I'll be asking you about it, what a sleek looking host! I'm kicking myself already for not ordering a few more diodes from Dave but there's always tomorrow :D

Similar to Kenom's Kryton Goove that is in the group buy section...

The only issue I had with the Ehgemus barrel, was that the head has to screw on separate from the driver cavity. Which means that the wires will get twisted.

The same issue is present with the Kryton design, but there are a couple of ways to solve the problem. You can mount a driver direct to the diode, and then make a battery contact point off of the driver. (driver support needed to keep it from pushing side to side)

Or do like I did and make a machined driver cavity that is connected to the head.

I machined my own driver cavity, and glued it to the head with thermal adhesive. Then I installed the driver and a contact board so that I could screw the entire assembly onto the barrel and not have any problems with the wires getting twisted.

But I talked to Ehgemus about it, and he is re-designing his barrel to have the driver cavity connected to the head...
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