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FrozenGate by Avery

RPL 350 "dot" 7 miles away!

I think nero_design (from LC) once projected a "dot" on a construction crane five miles away (without using a beam expander). I don't remember what laser he used, but I think it was an original Spyder.

You shined your laser on a building in town where people work now that dosn't seem very smart at all what are you trying to put some ones eye out ! it's people like you that give the rest of us a bad name.
you keep doing stupid things like that and I'll vote to ban YOU !!!
go find a mountain or something where people are not involved with you and your laser.

Dude think about it. At that kind of range the spot would be the size of a small house and it wouldn't be a danger to anyone unless they were looking right at you through a telescope or something to refocus the beam. To people in the building it would probably just look like a bright green light in the distance.
I shined my viper 125mW on the empire state building and looked w/ binoculars. It's exactly five miles from my house straight line according to google earth.

i can see the empire state building from my attic window. i think it is like ~6 miles from me.

pretty sick.
Cyparagon lets see just one from out your backyard?:na:

That wouldn't be fair. On one hand I have a 5W laser, he's got 1/3W, but I live in something of a shallow valley, so I can't see anything beyond a quarter mile :mad:
I have a 250mW Viasho (same as RPL) for sale if you are interested, does 420mW peak and 370mW stable $600.

I've just invested in a 1W Viasho lab unit... so I'm a bit drained at the moment.

But thanks... :thanks:

