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FrozenGate by Avery

RPL-260mW Optotronics Greenie

Here is the video of the 30 match laser lighting festival :)  There were a couple of matches that were stubborn and didn't light right away but most of them go pretty quick.  I was about 4 feet away with the laser in  this video.  Let me know what you think of the video. More videos to come later...

Hope everyone can open it, its hard finding a codec that works for everyone though.  I was able to view it with Windows Media Player with no problem.  Let me know if you have problems opening it and I will see what I can do.



Nice match lighting frenzy. ;D

Again good quality of the video, just like your pictures.
Hi PharmD4,
a really good presentation, the best I have seen for a RPL Optotronics laser! No more need of additional info, all particulars that a "laser aficionado" may want to see have been perfectly shown with your pictures and movie. :)

Nice review, pics and vid! :) You just made me want an RPL even more than before, but I have no cash for it... :(
Thanks for the positive feedback guys! I hope to have some more cool videos coming soon! Anyone have any cool ideas or special requests any ideas are welcome. Would a 100 match light be too excessive :D I am going to set up another match light similar to the first but do it at night so you can see the beam a lot better and with the smoke I think it would look really cool.

Well if the review/pics/video haven't made it clear everyone needs to get out there save some money and get an RPL :) Heck you don't even really need to save money just go out and do it, your inner laser child will thank you, lol.

you arent going to get a better first laser than this. very nice review to go with it.
its law - you have to christen it with a 10 balloon pop and a 3 meter matchlight :D
if you get chance, some outdoor beamshots would be nice.
Some night time beamshots / videos, and of course the usual cutting of tape and balloon pop.
