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Review of 2 Hosts with Corrective Optics


Ok I see what you are asking I think.

The Jet 10X allows us to move the center along x and y but will not adjust for angular tilt, so if your beam is off center it also likely won't be perfectly perpendicular to the face where you attach your BE, so you may need to make a mounting plate for the BE that lets you screw adjust for alignment via set screws, you can get it close to the beam exit and use oversized mounting holes with wide washers to make final adjustments for X and Y if not using the Jet slide compensator or your set up. I have done BE position adjustment with a screw adjustable mounting plate for the BE, but the best way to do things is to align your diode module with the mounted beam expander 1st, then set your cylindrical lenses along that straight and level beam path and adjust for lens position and distance between, that way there will be no need to make adjustments after to the BE's position and/or angle.

Making the front plate where your BE attaches removable is a good idea so you can align the diode module with the mounted beam expander then remove the front plate when setting your c-lens pair then reinstall and verify alignment, as you know we cant cheat anything out of the C-lens pair or the spot will be skewed.
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Great stuff-- I am down to 3 JL 10X BEs one black-two a grey-silver.. 120$ each shipped to Conus/Canada.
I am trying to do some favors.. I looked at all they offer at OPT (Poland). and perhaps all could save some $$ if we allow Alan(KingKube) to take a shot of getting GB prices(from China) w/o the hassle of a GB. You just buy from his ebay-- send me links-- I will fwd to Alan- let (if at all possible) me also know a wild guess as to what may be wanted in the near future.. ANY optics.. Cs -prism pairs -basically all they have at OPT.. Alan however cannot buy in volume for now.. so any feedback on buying more -- --TY

I am sending him a link to a very nice quad drone-made in HongKong-- high end and half price due to a newer quad from Immerson RC replacing this one.(new is slichtly smaller and sells at 450$ afaik-
no new being made-- whats left is it.. who knows how many are available.. aiming at a 'buy' of 10 pcs. shipped thru me..

.FromPLex Vet and Quad flyer " They have the Vortex 285 racing FPV quadcopter from Immersion RC on sale for just $199 with free shipping right now. This is one hell of a good deal! The Vortex is just slightly larger than a standard 250-series racing quad, but this thing has *all* the add-on features included. "
and that sale is over 9/13--I now turn this thread back over to your control.. sorry for the threadjack- hope ya'll can save on optics.
more pics!! PLEASE
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Hey, Len. I would be interested in some beam expanders that your eBay friend might come across in China. I have two prisms coming that I won bids on. Even just the loose lenses to make BEs would be great to get cheap.

Also, + REP.
It looks like your red has a BE on it, but no cyl lenses. The divergence of the Mits and Oclaro are so bad they are close to the NUBM44. I have been planning to use cyl lenses to correct a Mits P73 as I have a good handheld optical bench for it.
It seems like these optics to a reasonable job of taming the multimodes, but it's very far from perfect - and it probably will be so whatever you do.

I've tried prism pairs as well - which are a bit more compact in size - to tame multimode diodes, but the long-range beam results have never been -really- good, in the sense that the profile is anything near square (let alone round) at 100 meters distance or so.

I don't think they'll ever get that good as long as these diodes are intended for projectors, and those are rarely used at a range of over, say, 10 meters, so they're "good enough" for the consumer market. The issue is just that - no consumer demand. With the reds and 405 nm diodes we got more and more powerful single mode diodes since that property was required for their function (you cannot read/write optical discs with multimode diodes), there just is no mass demand there.
Overdue beam shots! If you havent seen this red HL63283HD's divergence, it's comical when taking a beam shot with a G2, or even a 3-element glass. Maybe that can be in another thread: "comical beams". These, of course, are with the corrective optics. Sorry, didn't use a tripod :(

IMAG6539 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG6541 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG6545 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG6547 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr
I have to wonder why you show unterminated beam shots in a thread about how you used corrective optics? Would it not be useful to show how the corrective optics actually corrected the beam?
I have to wonder why you show unterminated beam shots in a thread about how you used corrective optics? Would it not be useful to show how the corrective optics actually corrected the beam?

OP has the red, at least.
I'm leaning toward a 6X cyl lens pair to correct the red. I suppose I could get by using a 3X and a 2X together, but I will just have to see how it works out in the end. My next project is a low wavelength Sharp that measured 486nm for my daughter. She really loves that color and considers it her favorite laser wavelength. I have everything I need to finish it and plan to make it a Christmas present.
