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Review LazerPoint.com 1000mW Focusable 445nm Blue Laser Package

May 25, 2010
Hey All,


1000mw 445-455nm Adjustable Focus Blue Laser Pointer

Link to Product:

Powerful 18205 5-in-1 1000mw 445-455nm Adjustable Focus Blue Laser Pointer Set with Lighting Cigar Function with * Laser Pointer * 2 x 16340 Lithium Batteries * Charger * User Manual * 5 x Heads * Protection Glasses * Aluminum Box - Free Shipping

A Brief Into....
I received this laser for the Sole purpose of doing a Review on it. I did not contact them, they randomly contacted me and asked me IF i would like to review one of there lasers. I said sure why not. So they sent me this laser FREE. I dint know until i received it what laser i was getting and when they gave me the link as this laser was Just listed on the there website.:)

So Lets go on...:wave:

The laser is sold as a Package deal.

It sells for $169.99 and comes with the fallowing.


1x >1000mW Focus Laser Handheld
2x UltraFire 16340
1x 16340 Charger
5x Lens Caps 4 of which have patterns
1x Laser Case with Cutouts
1x user Manual

Here are Pictures of each Items:


Laser Glasses:

Charger and Batteries:

Lens Caps (The 5th one is on the head of the laser):

User Manual:

Now the day of getting the laser they had sent me a link to the laser. Upon looking at the pictures and then the laser i noticed they where diffrent so i thought it was just going to be the what we call Mini Arctic that we are use to seeing.

But upon looking better i noticed that this is a totally different Upgraded version.:) Somewhat looks similar but for sure way different in many ways.


Here is a Look at the New Upgraded Host Body:

As you can see the laser body is longer,the Anodizing is more of a Polished look and its hard to tell in pictures but its more beefier.

To have a closer look i also took pictures holding it. I have medium size hands and you can see the laser fits well:

Now i figured this would not be a proper review if i dint show a few pictures of the new Upgraded version to the old version. I through in a Stander Arctic S3 aswell for comparison:

As you can see what iam talking about how its longer in beefier then the old version. In fact the New version weighs in at 275 Grams without batteries and the original only 150 Grams. Which means more aluminum and better stability in keeping your diode cool. All the extra weight is mostly in the head but you can also see the body has thicker walls. THe new version is almost the size as the S3. I actually kinda like the slim style of it next to the S3.

The Anodizing is Much Nicer on the new version. It does not appear that it will scratch as easy as the original one which IMO had a flat crusty black anodize finish that i did not like at all. The Threads also have been improved and glide very nicely. There is also no logos on the laser.

As mentioned the laser runs on 2x 16340 and is Case Positive "+"

As you can see there is NO extra play room to allow larger cells so one cannot upgrade to 18350 if they want to. Which i would have liked to do but 16340 are still just fine. At this currant we would only be talking about a few extra minutes charge time. One thing i would like to mention is i would definitely pick up better quality cells along with this package. The ones that come with the laser are just fine but i would pick up a few extra pairs just to have laying around.

The Inside construction of the laser is Pretty clean for a store bought laser. Now keep in mind one can only be fair and compare to other store bought lasers not custom. So for the inside construction it is Clean.

The Driver they are use is Linear base. Which is set to 1.27A:

Everything is nice and tight inside and Ive ran the laser for 2 minute straight without having any heat issues. Which being that its a linear driver, its Nice to see that.

As mentioned the laser is focusable and this is how the construction is:

They are also using a 5.6mm M140 diode in this laser:

Now one thing that iam extremely happy to see is they re designed the focus adapter portion to allow you to unscrew it all the way to access the lens really easy. The Original version did not come out like this and was a pain in the but to have to pull the diode heatsink out to access the lens if you chose to upgrade.

Here is a better look:

Now one of only downsides i seen in this laser was that it came with a stock Acrylic lens:

However after talking to lazerpoint about this that this is a No go in my book and had to be change they told me and PROMISED me that all version will now come with a Glass 3 element lens instead of the Acrylic from this point on. Which really made me happy to hear that they are willing to listen to our best interest. So that was a Plus in my book.

SO again they said they will have them switch to a Glass 3 element lens.:)

This wont effect the power much only a little but what it will effect if it was not changed is the acrylic lens might start showing signs of melting down the road.

So basically bellow i will show you 3 power readings of the laser with 3 different lenses.

First power reading was how the laser was sent to me with the Acrylic lens.

Please keep in mind this laser is being sold as a 1W aka 1000mW 445nm Laser.

Acrylic Lens:

As you can see 300mW Over Spec. Very Nice.!:wave:

Now this brings me back to how easy it easy to change the lens out yourself:

With a Pair of tweezer you can break free the lens from the glue holding it tight in place and unscrew it.

This allows you to very easy do an upgrade on your own if you want to say switch to a G lens.:)

Here is power test with a 3 element Glass lens which like mentioned i was told this is what will come on all future lasers so you can expect this:

Slight power increase but not much. The point of this was to prolong the life of the lens by having them switch it to glass.

Now for getting some serious power boost one can choose to upgrade to a G lens. If one does swap lens out they can expect powers in this range:

1.7W with a G lens with the driver only set to 1.27A is very efficient. Iam pleased to see this.!:D

Finally we have the caps and patterns. My camera had a very hard time with picking up the designs so i just edited a stock photo of them:

I really dig the star field one. I got to admit that its pretty awesome with thick fog in the room.:D

Final Thoughts:

The Laser itself is very Nice. Its a Big Improvement over the Older version. The Overall feel and weight of it is solid. Iam pleased to see that the laser is also efficient. 1.27A and ~1.7W with a G lens is pretty good.

The focus part of the laser is also great. Its a little tight but i guess thats a plus too since you dont want to have any play in it and have the focus keep moving around on you. Maybe a little lub on the O-Ring will smooth it up a bit.

Iam also happy that they made good with changing to a Glass lens after i mentioned it to them. Being that they listened and dint brush it off is a good thing.

I would have liked to been able to use 18350 but 16340 are just fine at this currant. Grab a good extra pair and you will be just fine.

The Glasses are just your standard kind. For reflection brightness reduction there OK but definitely not a long direct hit. They leak around 7mW at 1.7W with pointing a direct hit.

I really like the case. Alot of my laser i keep in a drawer cabinet dedicated to all my handheld which has 5 drawers but i really like being able to keep everything together in one case one spot. The foam cuts outs is great too in keeping everything from bumping around.

If your looking for a laser that has a cool laser look to it then this would be a nice chooses. It is one of my top favorite bodies for sure. It uses the M140 diode with a basic linear driver and takes 2 16340 which you cant go wrong with. Comes with basically everything you need to get started and for the price its not a bad deal. If i was in the market for such a laser it would definitely be a top choose in my book.

I have had the laser for a couple weeks now which i felt is a decent amount of time to get an idea on how the laser will perform and iam pleased with everything Ive seen.

Hopefully my Review will help anyone with there decision in choosing if this is the right laser package for them.

I will try to get a discount code for this item for LPF members. If i can i will post it here.:wave:​

As always......

:thanks: For Looking.!!!

Keep on Lazing..............


Nov 2, 2009
Very nice and intense review Angelos :beer:

Now some of the guys around might consider this laser instead of the WL Arctic.
May 12, 2013
Nice review Angelos :)

You've certainly got a nice freebie there :D

I like the description of the laser on their website 'lighting cigar function' :crackup: probably not the best advice/function to advertise to an uneducated audience of consumers.

Very nice review, definitely a significant upgrade from the previous version :beer:
Apr 24, 2013
Good review, nice work.
I bought batteries from them but not any lasers.
Going to have to try one.


May 14, 2011
Great review!

Much better than prior versions for several reasons.

Very attractive package laser , lenses, batteries, charger, goggles, and case @ $169.95
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May 25, 2010
Very nice and intense review Angelos :beer:

Now some of the guys around might consider this laser instead of the WL Arctic.

Thanks Phi.:) Your the King when it comes to company reviews though.:bowdown:

I always find your reviews very good aswell.:beer:

Yes this a good alternative to the Arctic IMO. Its a stright forward laser and you can easily change the lens out for more power.

I like all these style hosts. But still the S3 body is one of my all time favorites.:D

Nice review Angelos :)

You've certainly got a nice freebie there :D

I like the description of the laser on their website 'lighting cigar function' :crackup: probably not the best advice/function to advertise to an uneducated audience of consumers.

Very nice review, definitely a significant upgrade from the previous version :beer:



Yeah we all know Overseas companies dont have the best descriptions.:crackup: But if someone is dumb enough to read and do that then they probably where going to do something as dumb anyway. Though i will try to tell them to remove that part. But there is only so much Push i have.

100% better then the original hands down.

Good review, nice work.
I bought batteries from them but not any lasers.
Going to have to try one.

Ive purchased from them before a couple cheap greens. I think plenty of others have aswell.

Great review!

Much better than prior versions for several reasons.

Very attractive package laser , lenses, batteries, changer, goggles, and case @ $169.95

Yeah its a common package deal you get. But the Laser itself i think FWIW is very good com-paired to other store bought lasers.

If you do the math up its an OK Price. Yeah it would be nice to see it cheaper just like anything else it the world but its right at the spot where one can say thats an OK deal.

Iam trying to press for a LPF code.:D But not going to promise anything.

Any money i can try to save you guys i will try to do so for anyone that is interested of course.

Sometimes even i enjoy buying store bought lasers over customs here and there.

I find it fun. Though i have the extra money to through around. For those that dont iam hoping if they where interested in this deal that my review helped them make there choose to go with it or not.:)


May 14, 2011
For a store bought laser, that the lens can be easily changed is worth it weight in gold.

Great idea and very nice idea to ask them for an LPF discount code. Maybe they can give one that can be used with purchase of any of their products. They have some interesting items and also they seem to be doing a better than a typical Chinese resellers job.

I agree the S3 Arctic is a classic host. Everybody complains are WL practices and products but they almost single handedly are responsible for greatly expanding interest in and hobby of handheld lasers. Other makers and resellers owe them a debt of gratitude for that.
How many would be in the business of lasers if there were no WL?
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Sep 6, 2013
So you would recommend this company right? If so I might have to order a laser from them very soon!

Also as I am a laser noob, why are some of the blue 2W lasers more expensive then the others on the website? And last of all they ship to the UK right :)
Jun 11, 2013
Lazerpoint seems to have a terrible reputation. I am impressed by the review of this laser but how high are the risks of sending them my money?
Mar 11, 2013
looks identical to the rifle from lazerer, just different charger. nice lasers, these. very lengthy detailed review, good pics. I too would recommend this over an arctic to anyone considering one

g lenses don't fit in mine. well, they will allow a focal point but it's impossible to set to infinity on mine
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Mar 29, 2013
HUH! glad to see that lazerpoint has gotten better! First time I dealt with them I got scammed... Well, always good...

Nice review lazeerer!
Jun 11, 2013
I've been fighting with lazerpoint for months. They sent me a useless, non functioning piece of crap and will not refund me. On and on it goes. They are criminals. That's all.
