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Requesting Full Host Kit <$25 (not c6)

Mar 29, 2013
Hello everyone. I am very disapointed with the duty cycles you can get with a c6 host, due to lack of size. However, since i am still a beginner, i need a host with a pill (either that or a tutorial and how to do without one). Does anyone know of any *larger hosts that have heatsinks come with them (or easily bought) and come with pills (or that can easily be bought)

I am looking for something that can give me a >2 min duty cycle with a m140 @ 1.8a.

Thanks for all your answers!
-Matt :eg:

Yeah bro...

Start looking for a host you like, then get a custom made heatsink for it.... just like everyone else does...
Well, the main part i need (because i know i can easily get a heatsink for most hosts) is the pill. Since i am still a beginner, somewhat, i think i need sometihing to hold my driver easily. Any hosts that come with pills that are not c6s?

itll be hard to get everything for under $25......lasers are expensive
C8 host will run you $10
C8 heat sink in the GB $15+shipping (estimate costs based on a full GB)

thats the closest you will get
