I have gotten free promotional phony credit cards, wit diffraction gratings on them too! Just shine a laser on the silver surface, and the array of spots is reflected (kind of large spots though). ;D ;D ;D
Mark0 - take a peek here : http://stonetek.org/shop . The more you use, the more points of light you have - if you place one on top of the other, and rotate one while shing a laser through it, the effect is phenominal !
Agreed! Rotating two XY diffraction gratings on top of each other with a visible laser is probably the most impressive effect to show someone with your laser. I've shown people burning power, different rare colors of lasers, and many other random things we'd find impressive here at the laser nerd forum. However, if you are looking for a very easy, very impressive effect to show off, get two XY diffraction gratings (from Greg!)
Yep! They're true!
Should fit CNI (circa-13mm) diameter lasers.
We're working on getting a few prototypes ready over the next few weeks. But I imagine it will be into the new year before they 'hit the shops' ;D