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Reliable red dot laser module?

Jun 14, 2011
I want to experiment with laser and need a continuous duty laser. I think 1mW is sufficient as long as the dot can be seen indoor.

It doesn't have to be red but red seems the most common and cheapest.

Searching "red dot laser head" on amazon returns a bunch of them starting at $6 . Seems they have reliability issues, according to reviews.

Where can I find more reliable ones?

Personally without spending much money, I would go with something like this

They are probably not the most reliable (who knows), but they are cheap to replace and very small.
They are also 635nm instead of 650nm, so MUCH MORE visible indoors, even with very low power.
They will NOT burn or pop balloons but are considered "eye safe"
I've played with some of them and they worked for me, YMMV.

Not sure your application but you can have fun with several laser effects, tunnels and spirographs - not worrying about the beam hitting someone.
You can easily turn one into a sound sensitive visual display for no money and 3v should allow either a couple AAs or similar or possibly even an 18650 lithium. Or connect to a low voltage wall plug.
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I want to experiment with laser and need a continuous duty laser. I think 1mW is sufficient as long as the dot can be seen indoor.

It doesn't have to be red but red seems the most common and cheapest.

Searching "red dot laser head" on amazon returns a bunch of them starting at $6 . Seems they have reliability issues, according to reviews.

Where can I find more reliable ones?
Dirt cheap, and this one's been going for years: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/the-little-diode-that-could.86460/
