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Quick build mini Cree A type m140/flexdrive 1.4a/1.5w g2

May 30, 2016
This is a host kit by Lifetime17. Nice little host. Heatsink dictates the duty cycle at about 1 minute. I don't mind my m140's getting warm or a little hot they are tough. Its nice to see so much beam from such a small host.
Nothing complicated with the wiring and fits a full sized module with room to recess the module to set base focus.
Power 1.3w 2 element. 1.5w g2
Battery size 14500
Flexdrive set to ~1.4a




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That's a nice little host for a m140 build. Lot of power in a small host. Sweet!
Hi D,
Nice beam pics and a choice of diode to thats a little pocket power unit 1.5W nice ..

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That's a good looking little build you have there. Looks like a mini light saber in that last photo! :D
It ought to run for quite a while with that m140 set at 1.3A, it should make make for a great EDC laser.
BTW - Good job on that host kit, Lifetime, sweet heatsink!
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Great build! Those little hosts are great for flashlight mods too, nice to see one being used in a laser build:beer:
Thanks BT love em myself great EDC thanks pal . Have a few funky Camo's coming should be nice in Copper or Aluminum..
@ Grainde. You kinda get hooked on those small hosts from a change of the larger hosts.. Great for MM modes to

