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FrozenGate by Avery

Question about Green Laser and IR

Mar 6, 2016
so lets say I have 50~80mw green laser
and the laser doesn't have Ir filter
and I'm pointing the laser on a wall/sky
what make the ir dangerous? isn't the ir going to the directions of the laser dot? (or at least very far from my eyes)
i'm asking this becuase I want to be safe (I currently have the new survivial laser slip-over od6 goggles not sure if they are even offer protection against ir like this kind and almost useless to use with this green laser as i'm only using it with my 2w blue laser )
Thanks in Advance!

In general the IR component of a DPSS green laser is not dangerous - your eyes will be damaged by the green light long before IR becomes an issue.

In cheap green lasers, the IR is usually around 30%, sometimes a lot more, sometimes a lot less.

The IR is also not collimated/focused, so the danger from a reflection is also also minimal unless at close range.

The biggest danger is that green lasers sometimes stop working, and people look into the laser aperture. That could be very dangerous because often times the IR pump diode is still working, and all people see is a very dim red glow... which is actually ~200mW of IR.

Add a link to the goggles you got please.
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In general the IR component of a DPSS green laser is not dangerous - your eyes will be damaged by the green light long before IR becomes an issue.

In cheap green lasers, the IR is usually around 30%, sometimes a lot more, sometimes a lot less.

The IR is also not collimated/focused, so the danger from a reflection is also also minimal unless at close range.

The biggest danger is that green lasers sometimes stop working, and people look into the laser aperture. That could be very dangerous because often times the IR pump diode is still working, and all people see is a very dim red glow... which is actually ~200mW of IR.

Add a link to the goggles you got please.

Thanks for this detailed information,
link: Eagle Pair® 190-540nm OD6 Slip Over Laser Safety Goggles
In general the IR component of a DPSS green laser is not dangerous - your eyes will be damaged by the green light long before IR becomes an issue.

In cheap green lasers, the IR is usually around 30%, sometimes a lot more, sometimes a lot less.

The IR is also not collimated/focused, so the danger from a reflection is also also minimal unless at close range.

The biggest danger is that green lasers sometimes stop working, and people look into the laser aperture. That could be very dangerous because often times the IR pump diode is still working, and all people see is a very dim red glow... which is actually ~200mW of IR.

Add a link to the goggles you got please.

Yup right you are and 200mw of 808nm will most definitely reek havoc on your eyes. I'm glad I knew this info when I was younger cause I used to have a little cheap 532 and it quit working and remember seeing that info somewhere and didn't look into it
