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question abought diode's

No, they are regular size, and you would be far better off buying a keychain pointer or a Aixiz module, as it's simply not worth ripping a DVD player for something you can get for <$5.

i used ot work at a place that had ltos of dvd palyer i ahve 2 i use and aboguht oooo 10 laying aroudn lo lso its ok if i mess up a few times
Glona --
Please slow down. It's hard to read your posts lacking standard American English sentence structure and punctuation.


Please don't think Mike is bashing you.

His point is simply that if you would have taken a few more moments when typing, you would have saved at least as much time for each person who then read your post.

A member frustrated by having to decipher your post is much less likely to reply to your question.

I myself am far from innocent in this area, but it is something important; and I do my best to be mindful of it.
