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FrozenGate by Avery

Pman - Awesome!!

In the past one member as I recall was sent a letter of warning by the FDA for selling lasers domestically.
I may have been Survival Lasers or DTR. The point I'm making is do we want to potentially cause trouble for such a nice person?

Who got the cease and desist, and what for specifically?

It was Moh. From what I've heard it involved his website, not LPF.
I've seen feedback threads like this since I joined LPF. Never have I read about a member getting heat from a feedback thread though.
Not sure why you think my title looks like a "KMart blue light special", if you scroll through the other positive feedback threads they seem pretty much the same as mine.
But if good feedback threads are now going to be considered a problem, I will happily delete it.

Who got the cease and desist, and what for specifically?
Don't quote me on this, but as I said earlier in this thread I think it may have been Survival Lasers maybe DTR.
As you know Survival Lasers sells last time I looked complete lasers, but only to international customers, for the reason they could risk being fined if thet sold them domestically. You may want to post a thread specifically asking whom.
Recently the member who runs the site Laser Pointer Safety started a thread describing how FDA wants to tighten up legislation banning all handheld battery operated 3b and above lasers as I recall. Did you read it?

It was Moh. From what I've heard it involved his website, not LPF.
I've seen feedback threads like this since I joined LPF. Never have I read about a member getting heat from a feedback thread though.
Not sure why you think my title looks like a "KMart blue light special", if you scroll through the other positive feedback threads they seem pretty much the same as mine.
But if good feedback threads are now going to be considered a problem, I will happily delete it.
Feed back is good, but that's not the problem. The potential problem is making aware to authorities who's making and selling lasers unlawfully domestically. If I worked at the FDA and I wanted to know what's up with high powered lasers I wouldn't comb the web searching I'd come here and listen. All I'm reminding members to do is be circumspect, give cudoes via pm, praise publically the product not the person. Remember, what is posted on the forum is there for all to read.
Thanks for clarifying who it was.

I am well over 60 years old and this forum is the ONLY social media I belong to for the very reason you seem to be upset about. I don't do Facebook, Twitter, Reditt, or any of the other forms of social media. I am here for the knowledge and to help where I can. Been here nearly three and a half years, which is not as long as some, but long enough. If it doesn't bother Pman, I don't see why you seem to be so incredibly alarmed. I haven't seen anything said in any post that would bring the wrath of the FDA down on anyone who is a member here.

The point is, the potential for being bother by the authorities is there and if he is then that knocks out another source. It is his choice to take the risk.
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I think this disagreement about what is and is not fodder for the FDA is probably bringing more attention than the entire thread, itself.
Steve, I merged your triple posts into one, try not to post like that unless necessary.

I don't think you have much of a point here. There's nothing wrong with members using the "Trades feedback" sub-forum accordingly, and there never has been. Sure it can be done via PM, but posting in this sub-forum is more of a bigger thanks, letting everyone know about a reliable transaction and hopefully getting more trust out of the community towards the seller in question. A cease and desist won't come from good feedback for an individual, if anything the FDA would focus on a company, or a site in Moh's case.

LPF has been up for years and that's never happened, and it looks like if you're right about DTR or survival lasers it was nothing serious because they're both still selling today, and doing pretty good on top of that.
Steve, I merged your triple posts into one, try not to post like that unless necessary.

I don't think you have much of a point here. There's nothing wrong with members using the "Trades feedback" sub-forum accordingly, and there never has been. Sure it can be done via PM, but posting in this sub-forum is more of a bigger thanks, letting everyone know about a reliable transaction and hopefully getting more trust out of the community towards the seller in question. A cease and desist won't come from good feedback for an individual, if anything the FDA would focus on a company, or a site in Moh's case.

LPF has been up for years and that's never happened, and it looks like if you're right about DTR or survival lasers it was nothing serious because they're both still selling today, and doing pretty good on top of that.

I don't remember their business history, they may have or not sold completed lasers. Survival Laser does sell completed lasers but not to domestic customers. DTR sells parts to make a laser. If one makes and sells completed lasers they are a company. The law makes no distinction between a hobbyist or business entity. That's what one has to keep in mind. I agree that nothing has happened except for the Mohs incident and probably won't, but, the potential is there.

'nuf said, I'm finished.
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