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FrozenGate by Avery

PHR-803T Diode @ 185ma (138ma)

I still have a Moh built PHR set at around 170ma with one of Jays lenses that is at 210mw rock solid after about an hour use so far. Cuts paper real nice and burns everything, they are rather tough or I got really lucky.

Most impressive, your PHR has more power than my first 6x build had. The 6x was only putting out 195mw using an LSP Blu-ray lense. One of Jay's lenses probably would have given me around 210mw but still, a PHR putting out more mw than a 6x is impressive (to me).
Yeah... That's one resilient PHR!

Most would not last long at all at 170mA's. I have one at 186mA's in my 'Ice Box' build. But it has not had a lot of testing time on it. I did run it at that power for a couple of 5 minute test runs though, to see if the TEC kept it cool. (which it did)

The heatsink dropped a couple of degrees after the 5 minute test runs.

I thought for sure the PHR would die, but it didn't! :)
They most certainly are but even more impressive was when I added Jayrobs lens and my power jumped from about 158 to 215mw, that was more then even I had expected.
