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photos from SELEM 2016

i'll provide a real write up later, but here are my pics from the event:

facebook (public gallery): https://www.facebook.com/swamidog/m...3715.1073741854.1366814043&type=3&pnref=story

google (public gallery): https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/101458881344191483852/albums/6319314075850457489

please tag people and add descriptions.


Will check them out shortly - always enjoy picture collections from SELEM. :D

Territory (possibly Nunavut and Yukon too) wide internet/cell service (data, calls and text) issues just now. I can get LPF and a couple other sites but things like Google/Twitter/Bing/Yahoo are inaccessible. Except Google DNS ... that works.
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Cool photos swamidog. Not sure if I can make it to SWAIA, but I'll let you know soon if I can.

Could somebody explain what typically happens at an LEM to me though? Is it just in-person show and tell with some technical talks? Do you team up and put shows together? Are there commercial exhibitioners?
My first lem was last year.. pretty laid back.. first night was beer and lasers.. second day was a few demos and classes.. then back to lasers where every corner someone was setting something up. We hung out and played with lasers till like 5 am. Good times.. I'll be flying from ky to pdx to see nwlem again. I do know that nwlem is more laid back
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Cool photos swamidog. Not sure if I can make it to SWAIA, but I'll let you know soon if I can.

Could somebody explain what typically happens at an LEM to me though? Is it just in-person show and tell with some technical talks? Do you team up and put shows together? Are there commercial exhibitioners?

Usually some awesome laser shows, SELEM typically has different training classes, various lasers on display (often with cases removed! :eek:), usually some repairs going on somewhere - sometimes it's just a projector tune up, sometimes it's a laserscope or large frame ion. Buy/sell/trade usually happens. Plus good banter with a bunch of like minded folk. All round good times! Highly recommend attending if you can.

That's my experience with UKLEMs anyway. Aaaand now I'm having photon/LEM withdrawal.
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Usually some awesome laser shows, SELEM typically has different training classes, various lasers on display (often with cases removed! :eek:), usually some repairs going on somewhere - sometimes it's just a projector tune up, sometimes it's a laserscope or large frame ion. Buy/sell/trade usually happens. Plus good banter with a bunch of like minded folk. All round good times! Highly recommend attending if you can.

That's my experience with UKLEMs anyway. Aaaand now I'm having photon/LEM withdrawal.

My first lem was last year.. pretty laid back.. first night was beer and lasers.. second day was a few demos and classes.. then back to lasers where every corner someone was setting something up. We hung out and played with lasers till like 5 am. Good times.. I'll be flying from ky to pdx to see nwlem again. I do know that nwlem is more laid back

I would totally go to one if it was in SLC, Denver, Phoenix, or by a stretch
Albuquerque :crackup:

Vegas or Saint George might also be doable though.

Not too many Four Corners laserists I know of though.
What. A. Blast.

Thanks Swami for being our honorary documenter of extraordinary things!

Didn't even know about the card-punching with the ions. I feel so unofficial now...
What. A. Blast.

Thanks Swami for being our honorary documenter of extraordinary things!

Didn't even know about the card-punching with the ions. I feel so unofficial now...

it was a last minute bit of inspiration of mine. if you're ever in my area, i'll hit your badge with 60W of 10,600nm.
it was a last minute bit of inspiration of mine. if you're ever in my area, i'll hit your badge with 60W of 10,600nm.

I've waited my whole life just to hear those words from another man.

I will absolutely do that if I'm in the area. However, I imagine just immediate flames would engulf the badge.
