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FrozenGate by Avery

Photon Spray Issue

Aug 4, 2010
So I am using a 445 Glass lens and when I focused out, I got little spots on the lens so I went to Use a q-tip and alcohol to clean it and when I went to turn it on again, I got this static looking mess all around a faintly dim dot...

Kinda irked. Any suggestions?

If you take the lens off do you have a clean looking output?
Yeah, I used a tad of windex on a Q and turned it on and I saw little dots evaporating off and it looks brand new. So I am sure it is a lens issue :)
I would get some pure (i.e. as pure as you can get, like at a drug store) rubbing alcohol and use that. The problem with your Windex is that it might get *into* the lens and leave a residue. At least with alcohol it can completely evaporate away. The alcohol might also help remove excess windex that is left.

Wipe using only one direction, and not back and forth, ONE direction, ONE vector of motion, not in a swirl.
Don't use alcohol to clean lenses! it destroys/damages the AR coating and that's not reversible. I destroyed a 445 lens cleaning it with ethanol, not sure about the composition of the lens coating tough. The lens had little dust, after cleaning it showed lots of scatering from the points the coating was destroyed.
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Don't use alcohol to clean lenses! it destroys/damages the AR coating and that's not reversible. I destroyed a 445 lens cleaning it with ethanol, not sure about the composition of the lens coating tough. The lens had little dust, after cleaning it showed lots of scatering from the points the coating was destroyed.

I use 20 - 25% ethanol (without denaturant) and it's safe for the lenses :)
I use a 50/50 mix of pure isopropanol and distilled water to clean optics, screens, mirrors and such. The purity of the solvents is key though, you can check by putting some in a cup or on a plate and just letting it evaporate. There should be no visible residue if the plate was clean to begin with (fresh from the dishwasher or something). Be careful though, even the 50/50 mix is quite flammable.
Well I am not gonna be throwing it under a match :)

The problem is, that the lenses are in the metal nut which gives me a little hole I can clean, rather that wiping. Is there a way to get the lenses out? :)
